Echeveria Painted Frills
Echeveria 'Painted Frills'
Mid Winter 2019
- 1
Early Winter 2019
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 4

Echeveria Painted Frills
Mid Winter 2019
Early Winter 2019

This dude did bloom this year but I forgot to take pictures. Kinda just starting to recover from this summer. Edit: wait, I did take pics. Scroll right lol

I have this same one and haven't been able to ID either... Just that it's an Echeveria. So pretty!

@Melissa.H @Yollymac told me that it could be #echeveriafireandice and I do believe it could be! Try looking through the tags or search for it in the search bar and see if yours looks a lot like that too. I haven’t put the ID on it yet because I’m just not sure! If you swipe all the way right you’ll see that it looked a lot different when I got it. I think in time it’ll look way different again.

Mine has gone through a lot of color changes too, I will definitely look that up! Thanks! :)

The shape has changed too much for fire and ice Lauren. Try this one

OoOoOoo @Yollymac the flowers look right too. @Melissa.H
Late Summer 2018

#id #succulent-id

@Yollymac that frilly echie has been blooming for a while now I just have neglected to take pictures before now. 😭
Late Summer 2018

Frilly echie in bloom #succulent-id #id
Mid Spring 2018

Help me identify this plant! My first frilly echie. #plantid #succulentid

I think this one may be Fire & Ice, so naked for the red outer leaves and icy cool centre.

@Yollymac I considered it could be that but have not done a lot of digging on frilly guys so I didn’t feel confident about it. Thanks!

@ohhyouknow be prepared that you may not be able to identify it until maturity (2-4) years. Some of the very best experts I know won’t put a definite name to them until then as frillies can be that hard to identify. Flowers sometimes are the only way. Also, keep in the back of your mind that the maiden flowering may produce slightly different flowers than subsequent flowers. Just to make it more confusing for us. 😂
This guy looked really cool this morning. #succulent #echeveria #frost