Echeveria Suyon
Echeveria 'Suyon'
Early Summer 2019
- 16
Mid Spring 2019
- 47
Mid Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 2
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Early Winter 2019
- 11
Early Autumn 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 5

Echeveria Suyon
Early Summer 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Never in my adult life have I been bullied by a person like how I've experienced with a user on this app. It's a shame I can't enjoy this app like I did before this user started harassing me here and on another platform even. Plants are very therapeutic. I suffer from extreme anxiety and succulents are my escape. These are just plants. I don't understand how someone could go around stealing the calm of gardening from others. Apologies for my long gaps between posts. I just can't handle the stres

of being harassed and seeing other users having a bad time too. I have been making a great effort to ignore this bit it's hard to when I am getting tagged into posts just to be talked down to.

@angiie I have finally sent emails about it. For a long time I thought something was wrong w ME until I started seeing it happen to other people. Then I reached out to make sure the experiences I had weren't unique and I was not imagining seeing it happen to these others. I am not unique. I know ppl who don't use the app anymore for the same reason. It makes me pretty sad.

Thank you for your honest heart. Bullying is not tolerated on this app - at all... We are all here to learn & grow together in a positive, encouraging way, with novice to masters in gardening! Harassment is not allowed. I'm sorry this is happening... As a very proud Ambassador for the United States - I'm going to tag the creators of this phenomenal app, as this can't continue! Lauren, you do deserve to be here! I will fight for you! 🥰 @usgardentags @ukgardentags @David @thedanielrichards ⬆️

Thank you so much @KariSamuel @angiie I tried instagram but it is just not the same. Pretty much every other person I have come across on here is so kind and helpful. I really enjoy sharing with everyone and feel badly when I don't because I'm worried I might come into that person's radar. Other people don't deserve me "ignoring" them because I try to hide from someone else block feature would be amazing

Stick around Sweetheart. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

I completely agree. Permission to forward your email to the appropriate people as well?

<3 - This has been an issue before with said same person!! 😡😵🤬

@KariSamuel yes <3 @KelsiBriana you as well, I went into a lot further detail of the level of harassment in the email I sent to you. Was very hard to get it all out ):

Okay @angiie I will. Thank you for being so supportive

I'm not as eloquent as the others, but hang in here girl, there are those of us who appreciate you and enjoy your company and succulents

You would think plants would have people zen’d out...🙄 smh...❣️
Mid Spring 2019

Closeup. Leaves always doing weird things which I assume is normal for these guys. A few streaks of variegation and currently some leaves growing in that appear to be split in half? If it goes crested I'll just lose my mind.

BEAUTIFUL! #succulent #echeveria #echeveria-suyon #suyon

I love the colour on yours 💖 where do you have it ?
Mid Spring 2019

5/12 can't not post an update of this one. #succulentsunday

I love this one 😍
Mid Spring 2019

Nicee. #echeveria #suyeon

I love this one too!! All of your succulents are just beautiful!!

Thanks so much Lara @shadyvendetta! I appreciate that a lot! To be fair I mostly take pictures when they are looking good. I have fair few that look quite pitiful. Let's keep that a secret though lol

I think most of us do that though!! We're all proud to show off our pretty stuff!! (But I'll keep your secret😁lol)
Early Winter 2019

1/9/19 I haven’t done an update on this guy in a while.

So pretty. I have a couple of leaves, can't wait until mine looks like this!

I love it

Thanks @Cyndi @Soph1e @pootchie! Sophie they are a lot smaller than I imagined based on pictures. Looks like they are gonna need lots of leaves to get wide. Super thirsty too! I water this at least once a week. I hope yours do well! They seem to make lots of babies.

@ohhyouknow they are gorgeous! A they get a lot bigger and redder than that! 😍

@Yollymac I can see the red wanting to come out but I think it’s too warm in here. When I got this one it was looking rouuuuuuugh lol. I guess they are just still babies. I don’t think they are much more than an inch wide right now.

It will come good! You will see! 😍


Wow! Just seen the pics of when you first got it, what a terrible state they sent it in?!? Pleased to see you’ve got it back to healthy growth, it’s looking good 👍🏼

@Jyotu @richard.spicer.7906 Thanks! It is a totally different plant now. I was pretty bummed when it first came in but I think it’s looking better now than it would be looking if it arrived in decent condition. It had stretched so much it left a lot of room for babies. Maybe also the stress made it put more pups too idk

Early Autumn 2018

9.24.18 I’m so proud of these dudes! They wanted to live so badly. #succulent #echeveria

This is looking awesome. They are such cute plants. I am starting to love the ones that are little clumps. 😍

Thank you @BetteMcD! My favorite thing about the clustering ones is that they are so shareable lol. Waiting for this one to get big for trades!
Late Summer 2018

Getting some color! I find myself watering this guy more often than some of my other thin leafed bois. #recovery #recovery-success #echeveria #suyeon

@KelsiBriana thanks! I can’t believe they’ve come this far!

@KelsiBriana I hope I’ll be a succugoddess one day! 😂
Late Summer 2018

I can’t wait to see what it looks like come spring. Should be a nice cluster by then. #succulent #recovery #progress #suyeon
Late Summer 2018

Wow it’s looking like a whole new plant. #succulent #recovery #progress #echeveria #suyeon
Late Summer 2018

9.1.18 #succulent #progress #recovery
Late Summer 2018

9.1.18 #succulent #recovery #progress
Late Summer 2018

8.22.18 I counted the pups! Well, I stopped counting at 50. There is probably not more than 60, but still! Wow! #succulent #recovery #progress
Mid Summer 2018

Gave it its first watering and have been SLOWLY introducing it to light and awww yeah, got some nice greenness to it now. So many babies! #succulent #recovery
Mid Summer 2018

8.15.18 Ordered this supposed suyeon cluster and just wow, I have never seen a sadder succulent in person. Idk what to even do with this.. did they pack it up months ago and just slapped a shipping label on it when I bought it? Wtf. Def getting a refund, this is sad. 😢

Poor thing does look tortured.

Oh no!! Not good at all 🤨

@lovestogarden @cyndi @Muzz67 the shop refunded me. I’m pretty sure it’s not a goner, so yaaay, free plant lol.

Yes I'm sure you'll get it looking great in no time 😁
Love the colour!
Its getting dark 😈
Oh I hope mine goes this colour, is just green right now - well I think it’s a Suyon I got, it was a leaf prop from online so still very small 🙈
@gardengirlla she swaps & buys plant from reddit or some other social media thread
@gardengirlla are you planning to buy some???
@gardengirlla Maggie I get a lot of my plants from trades and on the Internet. This one I got from amazon a year ago and it came in looking rough. I would not recommend buying it from there. I am getting my ducks in a row to start importing them in bulk from Korea bc i need lots of them and for cheap lol
I used to use etsy a lot but sometimes the prices there makes me cringe. I went a few weeks ago to look for succulents at the big box stores around here but they were all cleared out. Maybe they've got new stock! My sister in law in new Iberia said she found a laui at home depot. Idk if it's true, she just pointed out one of my plants and said she got one of them at HD. I almost cried when she said that lol. I want home depot lauis D: @gardengirlla youve heard a lot of ppl trade locally via fb?
I've made a few posts looking for in person trades but have only ever had one in person trade /: @gardengirlla
@gardengirlla free shipping is my selling point too! You effectively pay double for these plants when you factor in shipping. My favorite free shipping etsy shop closed down earlier this year /: I like to hit up the city wide garage sale to look for succulents. People kinda beg for you to take their propagations lol. Mostly people around here have sedum. I did find one lady last year that has night blooming cereus and hoyas. I asked her to please look for interesting ones to sell this year
@gardengirlla there is a person in the new orleans area that sells basically any color cereus you could want! I want to take a drive
@gardengirlla let me know if you find anything good! <3 I haven't gone public w this but I am totally opening a shop for imports. When I go to place orders I could send you a link to the Korean pages I am ordering from so you can piggyback off of the giant orders. Only thing is I don't want to sell to friends which is why I am opening the shop under a pseudonym and detaching it from myself. I wouldn't sell to you but you could "buy them directly" from my source and I could mail them to you when