Pachyphytum glutinicaule
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

Took this picture about two seconds before tipping the pot over 😪 #succulent #pachyphytum-glutinicaule

😄😄😄 Incentive for you now to purchase a new one 😊

@gauravsh6 it is still well, I just have to repot this one a lot because it tips over easy. Don't want to put it in a bigger pot though because I feel like a bigger pot would be too much for this guy right now lol! I get bummed when I damage a succulent but then kind of excited because they always come back better! 😊 Only thing I'm afraid of really with these guys is rot so this one stays in a tiny pot.
You could put the smaller pot in a larger one and fill the space with stones. Support without the space.

Wow, @crosma03 you genius. I put it in a small but heavy decorative pot that I wasn't using because it didn't have drainage. Thanks lol
Cher bebe! 😍 #succulents #pachyphytum-glutinicaule