Allium porrum 'Musselburgh'
Leek 'Musselburgh'
Mid Spring 2018
- 7
Mid Spring 2016
- 2
Mid Spring 2016
- 2

Allium porrum 'Musselburgh'
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2016

Leeks (Musselburgh and Krypton F1) planted in deep #squaremetrebed & #raisedbed next to #garlic. #leek #Marshalls

Trying RhonnaCollage for images like this. It's a bit quirky, but I'm learning slowly 🤔
Mid Spring 2016

Leek plants arrived in the post from Marshalls on Thursday and Friday. Hope to get them in this weekend. #Musselburgh #KryptonF1 #leeks #mailorder #Marshalls

I’ve just cleared this raised bed of all the weeds as I could see that last year’s leeks (planted late and barely grew last year) have somehow grown through the winter. #advice - if I leave them will I get some sort of harvest, or will they all produce flower shoots and be no good?
I think they will produce flowers
The best Leeks
Leave them a bit longer keep the bed watered well to stop bolting and eat them as baby leeks! I over wintered some and they are fine...
Oh @linfoster when are you planting yours out this year? I remember that you do yours later as mine went to seed last year and your advice was not to plant out too early and keep watered. ..
Ah thank you @linfoster yes I’ve rotated my raised beds and it should be a shadier one this year.. I know the onions like full sun but good to know leeks are ok in a shadier spot! Thank you as ever for your advice 😊
@carolecuttingitfine I’m following your advice. I’ll try to remember to let you know what happens. Thanks, Mike