Buxus sempervirens
Mid Winter 2022
Mid Spring 2016

My box hedging needs trimming. Is it too early? I suspect so. #advice


I would be inclined to leave or awhile yet

Thank you @kathy - great minds think alike 😀👍

I don't touch mine til August

Love the garden and the elegance if box but would be heartbroken if it got blight like money's garden in gardeners world - he removed it all 😔

Sorry Monty's garden in GW- predictive text !!

@titchyfra It's 10 years since it was planted... Fingers crossed 🙂

Was always told never to prune hedges until August as the birds are nesting now etc. .

#hedge #box #boxhedge #ToPruneOrNotToPrune #birds

It's fantastic @oldgreyheron I love it!

The traditional time for pruning buxus is Derby Day (1st Saturday in June). Maybe an old wive's tale but a late frost before this wouldn't be very attractive on those newly clipped leaves.
Wet box on #foliagefriday