Crassula Ovata 'Harbour Lights'
Crassula 'Harbour Lights'
Mid Autumn 2018
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Early Spring 2018
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Crassula Ovata 'Harbour Lights'
Mid Autumn 2018
Early Spring 2018

I discovered how many jade plant variations there are, uh oh... 😅 i has this clipping for a while but now I found a cute planter for it! (3/27/2018)

Can I ask if you know of any nurseries in Southern California? Leaving for a mini vacation tomorrow from NV to CA and I think I'm the most exicted to see all the different nurseries 😍 I swear I've been how ever nursery in Vegas at this point 😂

@levalar I've been to a few now in Orange County! I've only really kept an eye out for succulents but you can get some good finds at Martinez Nursery in Buena Park if you go to their succulent section, they aren't labeled but if you keep an eye out (and turn to GTags for plant IDs lol) you can find a lot for under $3! I've gotten so many for $1 each!

@levalar ironically, I got a lot of my collection from the Lowe's next to my work 😂 anywhere else has a bad selection but this particular store seems to update their stock so often!
No filter used for this picture! We had a very extreme sunset the other day where the sky had very deep orange/pink colors and everything was cast in a weird pink-purple light. I only just noticed the flowers! (Taken on 11/01/2018)
#succulent #crassula #crassulaovata #crassula-harbourlights