Echeveria Shaviana Truffles
Echeveria 'Shaviana Truffles'
- Late Summer 2018
- 8
- 5
- Mid Summer 2018
- 5
- 1
- Mid Spring 2018
- 9
- 1
- Late Winter 2018
- 11
- 1
Echeveria Shaviana Truffles
- Late Summer 2018
- 8
- Mid Summer 2018
- 5
About a week ago, I snipped off the three flower stalks and it quickly became this very colorful appearance. I'm guessing now that the flower stalks are gone, it's focusing its energy on the color stressing? (08/09/2018)
- Mid Spring 2018
- 9
It was hard to notice because of all the ruffly leaves but now it's a little more obvious to see he beginnings of some flower stalks. 😍 (05/16/2018)
- Late Winter 2018
- 11
My "lettuce" plant 🤓 (02/25/2018)
Bad news... I discovered there was a lot of damage on the base of the leaves due to mealy bugs, and when I checked the roots and soil I saw there was a thriving ant colony... (I'm hoping it's the only one 😭) he's now half the size he use to be but I'm hoping he'll slowly bounce back, boo! (08/30/18)
Oh no!
Oh no such bad luck ! Have you treated the mealie?
@Muzz67 I really hope so!!! This was one of my favorites too and they managed to hide so well between the ruffled leaves 😩 but I combed through each leaf and I'm hoping I was able to catch them all, so fingers are crossed!
Methylated spirits either painted on with a tiny art brush or sprayed on is great to kill them.Leave a few minutes and wash off but not essential.