xGraptoveria Olivia
Graptoveria 'Olivia'
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 4
Late Winter 2018
- 7
Mid Winter 2018
- 7

xGraptoveria Olivia
Late Autumn 2018
Mid Summer 2018

It took exactly one whole month to get to this point but I think this has finally bounced back from when I hid it indoors from that nasty heat wave in early July (you can see how etiolated it was from its previous picture). We are having an intense summer with major fires happening on the mountain nearby and the settling ash is covering all my plants with a fine layer, making them look extra dusty 😂 when can I enjoy being back outdoors again hahaha (08/09/2018)
Early Summer 2018

This somehow had the most change as the entire cluster is now completely filling up the entire pot from the leaves spreading out, again the changes occurred over a 5-day period. It's interesting how much five days outside of direct sunlight would affect them, but maybe it was my own poor planning to bring them indoors into completely shade so abruptly. Maybe it's better to risk the sunburn?? 😥 (07/09/2018)

@KelsiBriana they'll eventually fix themselves after a few days of sun, right? 😂
Mid Spring 2018

I removed all the blooms off my Olivia the other day! They're bundled up and placed on the memorial to my late dog who passed away a few months back. 😊❤️ (04/23/2018)

What a beautiful photo.
Early Spring 2018

The first of many blooms! It looks like a heart from the arrangement of the #succulentflowers ☺️ (03/28/2018)
Late Winter 2018

The flower stalks are going wild on this one! They still haven't opened yet but I'm hoping this will change in the next month. (03/16/18)

Wow. She is looking really good! 😍
Late Winter 2018

Close up pic of the flower stalks coming through! There's a hint of red but from what I saw of @KelsiBriana's flowering stalks, I have a vague idea of what to expect 😂 (03/05/2018)

@Yollymac since you asked!!

@paperpatterns - thanks heaps! We are trying to get a final ID on both your plants based on blooms. Let us know when a few flowers on the same stalk is open please?

@Yollymac definitely!
Late Winter 2018

I woke up to a really interesting discussion in my comments! Thanks to @KelsiBriana and @Yollymac, my plant from yesterday has an identity!! I took a new picture this morning to show the longer stalks that look really similar to Kelsi's plant pictures 🤩 #graptoveria (02/19/2018)

It’s. Really beautiful plant. At $1!! 😍😍😍 Half your luck!

It's beautiful 😊😊😊

Extraordinary Beauty

Instant Wishlist. What a beautiful plant! 😍😍😍😍

Hey there, do we have flowers on your plant as yet?

@Yollymac not quite yet, maybe in a few weeks though!
Mid Winter 2018

Yet another $1 find! I'm actually very stumped as to what this could be but I love how the red tips contrast with the dark green (02/10/2018)

@KelsiBriana - I think you will find when it unfolds it will have a different shape all together. The leaves aren’t so tightly packed as yours and is longer. Looking now.

http://www.crassulaceae.ch/de/artikel?akID=63&aaID=2&aiID=O&aID=4783 - what do we think of this..? @KelsiBriana

Sorry but in my view I don’t think you have the same plant. I do however think Olivia is a close match for this plant if not it’s own ID. You will have to make the call on this Is for yours as we are of different minds on this one. Sorry again.

I think your plant is Olivia @paperpatterns 😍

@KelsiBriana @Yollymac thank you both so much!! I just posted a new picture for you both to analyze but I think it is an Olivia!

You’re very welcome! 😘
I finally found a big enough pot to repot this but then found out I didn't have enough soil.... 💀 (12/16/2018)