I’ve noticed that red flowers are very difficult to photograph properly. Actually, I’ll correct that… I have difficulty with red flowers. On the other hand marigolds put on a very good show for me. The first few have bloomed and bring great colour. I don’t have much else of this splendid orange, so I do like to keep them going from year to year. (from my blog in mid-June). This is one of my favourites. #marigold
I’ve noticed that red flowers are very difficult to photograph properly. Actually, I’ll correct that… I have difficulty with red flowers. On the other hand marigolds put on a very good show for me. The first few have bloomed and bring great colour. I don’t have much else of this splendid orange, so I do like to keep them going from year to year. (from my blog in mid-June). This is one of my favourites. #marigold
Thank you @gjones