Cotyledon tomentosa
Cotyledon 'Bear Paws'
Mid Summer 2021
- 2
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2019
- 3

Cotyledon tomentosa
Mid Summer 2021
Mid Autumn 2020

7.11.2020 - not as thick as it used to be, but still alive and well
Mid Spring 2020

7.05.2020 I haven't been active for quite a while because it was cold season here. now that spring has come I've finally taken all the plants out, but now 'all' means just the very few that have survived. I'm very saddened to say that I've marked "dead" about 30 of my plants. I guess I'm just not made for this. anyway, on a happier note, I will post some of the ones that not only survived, but thrived in the vile environment of my house, this being one of them
Hi Patri! I got mine about 2 months back and their paws have been falling off. I assumed it was due to overwatering / wet soil so I took it out and dried the roots & soil completely + repotted last week without watering. Today I noticed that the stems were turning black from pot up and they lost even more paws :( any suggestions? I just watered the pot as the soil was completely dried out.

@melsteph hey, steph! I'm sorry to hear that. at first I would've recommended what you did as well, as I have lost a few plants due to overwatering but seeing the problem isn't gone you might consider placing it somewhere with more/less sun depending on what you see is damaging it now. mine has stayed inside for a few months and it didn't get direct sunlight as I didn't want it to burn through the window and now I've put it out

@melsteph but it's still in a place where it has direct contact with the sun only at certain hours. during the summer direct sun is no problem though so you might consider giving it as much as possible especially since the watering problem. you could also try helping it with a fertiliser. I'm no expert unfortunately so these advices are based only on my experience with mine. I wish you the best of luck with it!
Early Autumn 2019

Mid Summer 2019

2.08.2019 it bear-ly fits in the picture now *wink wink*


Bearry punny 😁😉🐻
Early Summer 2019

4.07.2019 got so big already 💕

It’s always hard losing any plants, I lost a few this winter as well. Looks like you still have a bunch that are doing well!

@spilledmilk yes, fortunately there are a few that made it through the winter. maybe I will try growing more again once I move to a warmer place 😂
Late Spring 2019

6.06.2019 #baby #succulent no 1

I need a bears paw! They are so adorable!!

@carolyn87505 they are indeed super cute!