Allium sphaerocephalon
Allium (Species) Drumstick Allium
Mid Summer 2017
- 10
Mid Summer 2017
- 13

Allium sphaerocephalon
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

Good afternoon 😊 that's me finished work looking forward to a lovely weekend 🤗 hope your all enjoying yours💜 #summerblooms #allium

Lovely 💜💜💜

@scaryskates oh that's good rainy here but got to do food shopping so don't mind as long as it's nice tomorrow 😊enjoy 💕💕

@lovemygarden65 Small but perfectly formed ☺️

Afternoon Pauline. Hope you have a good one too 😊

@lexijane Evening Lexi just relaxing with a wee glass 🍷Hubby cooking tonight so I'm happy ☺️ been wet here hope it's been better for you enjoy your night 😘

Ahh lovely! Feet up, glass of wine! 🍷👍🏼Cheers! Happy weekend 😘

Sounds fantastic. You've got hubby well trained. Enjoy my lovely 😘

@rachelbrooks @lexijane Just as we were saying Rachel so hard to keep up now a day later I'm doing the same 😉 feet up glass in hand but Lexi it was my son and his girlfriend doing the cooking 😂😂definitely a good trainer 👌🍷😍

Well at least we know we're both the same and we'll get there eventually! 😂👍🏼😘

@rachelbrooks 😂😂 I'm even doing a night shift 😳

🙈😂 well I was up till silly late and you're up silly early! 😘
Food on the go 😊brilliant how they just hover and munch 😊😉kind of doing that myself at the moment 😋
@scaryskates Aww no pinching Horace's grub 😉
They are a bit like women...haven't got time to stop and eat! 😂 and Gary, stick the prawns in a bag of cold water...they'll defrost in no time! @scaryskates
@scaryskates 😂😂sweet dreams Gary 🍔🍟🍗🍤🍟🍪🍻
@rachelbrooks 😂😂but when we do stop 😉🍷🍷
Not often Pauline!! 🙄😉
Oh, well you'll know for tomorrow now Gary! 😉👍🏼 @scaryskates
Urgh! 🤢 don't mix them up for cereal and pour milk on them will you?! 😬 @scaryskates
@scaryskates That's good Gary lots of protein there you'll be fighting fit in no time 🏋🏋🏋
Mmm...sounds appetising 😬 I might just have toast...😂 @scaryskates