Allium siculum syn. Nectaroscordum siculum, Allium nectaracsardium, Allium bulgaricum
Allium (Species) Sicilian Honey Garlic
Early Spring 2024
- 9
Late Spring 2023
- 14
Mid Spring 2023
- 11
Mid Spring 2022
- 23
Late Spring 2021
- 3
Early Spring 2021
- 5
Late Spring 2020
- 12
Mid Spring 2020
- 32
Mid Spring 2020
- 10
Mid Spring 2020
- 8
Mid Spring 2019
- 8
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 9
Mid Spring 2018
- 8
Late Autumn 2017
- 13
Mid Autumn 2017
- 3

Allium siculum syn. Nectaroscordum siculum, Allium nectaracsardium, Allium bulgaricum
Early Spring 2024
Late Spring 2023

It's been a glorious day and I've managed to get so much done in the garden. I'm ready for a sit down and a cuppa now. I love to watch the honey garlic slowly unfurling 🌸 #sicilian-honey-garlic


It has been a rather good day.

Thanks Shona 🌸 @sho47

It really has 🌞 @joannie.a

These are wonderful to watch, aren't they Jane? 🩷

Hasn't it been lovely. I've had my shorts on today - I have such white legs !!

It’s been lovely Jane here too 👍🏻

Absolutely Celina 🩷 @cee

Me too! Hopefully not for too long though 😂 @charlotte

Just what we need now ☀️ @juliesgarden

My favourite bulb. They are taking ages to open this year
Mid Spring 2023

I have a lot more stems on my #allium-species-sicilian-honey-garlic this year as I cleared some space around it last autumn. If I can keep them upright I should have a good show this year 🤞

I always stake mine Jane

It’s going to be a good show Jane☺️

Loads of flowers

Yes I've got that to do and at least I can get round it this year 😂 @joanboston

I hope so Elise 🤞 @Auricula

It has certainly enjoyed its space

And I’ll be able to see them properly this year 😂 @hebelover

It has Joan 🥰 @joannie.a

They’re doing well Jane, from the one that had self-seeded next to the pond last year I now have about 10 flower stems, I’m so excited for them to flower 😀

That's brilliant Sarah. Mine had never self seeded until this year, I recently noticed one solitary stem away from the main group 😍
Mid Spring 2022

Morning everyone. We’ve had lots of lovely rain overnight but not the threatened storms thank goodness. My Sicilian Honey Garlic is flowering now and looking lovely 💗 Have a great day #sicilian-honey-garlic #nectaroscordum-siculum

Morning Jane. Same here ....very welcome I must add. Love these flowers 🙋♀️☔

Morning Pauline, it was. I love them too, they’re so elegant 💓 @flof1952

Morning Jane, that’s looking lovely, we had drizzle more than rain, every bit is welcome!

Morning Jane 🙋♂️ I didn't know I had these but they seem to be thriving

Morning Jane.. love these , not much rain here so need it still 🤨

Morning Jane, same here! Lovely photo 📸

Morning Elise, it woke me up a couple of times it was that heavy ☔ @Auricula

Morning Jeremy. That must have been a lovely surprise 😍 @jpea

Morning Julie, me too. I hope you get some rain soon ☔ @juliesgarden

It was Jane but then I can never remember what I've in the garden from one season to the next 🤣

Morning Jane, they are a very unusual flower
Late Spring 2021

First Sicilian Honey Garlic out of its sheath 💞 #allium-species-sicilian-honey-garlic

Lovely 😊 Only one of mine had a flower spike - think they didn’t like the rain

This is in the jungly part of my garden so it's pretty well protected whilst it's growing. Sorry to hear about yours 😢 @sharonhayden
Early Spring 2021

The Sicilian Honey Garlic is on its way 🎉🎉🎉 #sicilian-honey-garlic #allium-siculum #nectaroscordum-siculum #allium-bulgaricum

Mine are on their way too Jane 🎉🎉

Yay 🎉🎉🎉 @sieveheadsarah

One of my favourite! Lots of leaves but can’t see any buds yet 🤞🤞

Mine too Joan. I had to search for this one, there's a lot going on in this corner 💚 @joanboston
Late Spring 2020

Thought I'd have a go at collecting seeds from my Sicillian Honey Garlic, I've got a few so wish me luck 👍 #sicilian-honey-garlic #seedheads #sicilian-honey-garlic-seedheads #keepingbusy

Good luck Jane, hope you succeed! 🙂

Thanks Ange, so do I. It takes a couple of years before they flower though 👍😊 @anges

Oh blimey! You're very patient 😇

Not really 😂 but I like trying new "experiments" 😊 @anges

That’s great I’m sure they will grow for you they are really lovely when grown. Good luck🤗

One of my springtime favourites Enid, thank you 😊 @godfreye

@pelly mine too Jane🤗

Good luck Jane 🌱🌱🌱

Thanks Elaine 😘 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Good luck! 🤞

Thanks Tara 🙏 @Tara_H
Mid Spring 2020

Morning everyone, it’s a gorgeous sunny start to the day here so it had to be a gorgeous flower to accompany it 🙋♀️ #sicilian-honey-garlic

Morning Jane, it's thin cloud here but definitely a warmer start than yesterday 👋👋

Never heard of these in the US. Seems to be popular in the UK. Lovely. Are they easy to grow. I want some. 🤩

Morning again Jeremy, it’s definitely a gardening day 🌸 @jpea

Morning Elise, it shouldn’t be long now, we’ve got some sunny days to come ☀️☀️☀️ @auricula

Morning Jane 🙂

They are very popular here Phil and yes, they are so easy. Just out of interest I Googled this and I found a firm called Veseys in Canada that do them so I’m sure you must be able to source them in the US 👍 @philstalder

Morning Ange 👋 @anges

Great I will try to fetch some here. Thanks Jane.

Let me know how you get on 👍 @philstalder

I will. Stay tuned. Thanks

Morning Jane ... and the wind has finally gone 🎉🎉🎉
Mid Spring 2020

It's that time of the year again #sicilian-honey-garlic #allium-siculum 💚

Gorgeous can’t wait for mine to open. Bought some more

Thanks Joan, I need more for next year 💚 @joanboston

Mines still in a tight bud! 😲 Looking forward to it though!

I got a box from Sainsbury’s, also a chocolate cosmos at the same time. It’s in a pot and doing really well, it has a flower bud on it. Still inside, though I stand it outside most days. Not today though as we have 40mph winds!

This is my first, the others still have their sheaves on Nicola 😊 @nix81

Had to put canes for mine Joan, I hadn’t realised how tall they get! @joanboston

Yes, it's a tad windy. Glad to hear you got another Chocolate Cosmos. My Sainsbury's only has bulbs in the autumn unfortunately 😢 @joanboston

Oh nice...👌🏼

Thanks Elaine, I love these 💚 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Mid Spring 2020

Woohoo, the Sicillian Honey Garlic is on its way and I've even remembered to stake it this year 🙄 #sicilian-honey-garlic

Mine are coming along nicely too and I also have one that’s appeared in a flower bed, no idea how 🤔🤔

That’s going to look great when finally open 😍 🤞🏻

Maybe a present from a little bird? 🤔

I hope so Rula, at least they should stand up this year 🙄😂😂 @sabbanrula

Mines coming along nicely too. Bought more this year, love them

Well, we do learn from our own mistakes so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 if not this year there’s always the next 😂😂

I wish I had too 🙄 @joanboston
Mid Spring 2019

Another one that has opened whilst I've been away #allium #allium-species-sicilian-honey-garlic #allium-nectaracsardium #allium-bulgaricum 17/5/19

Thanks Cyndi @cyndi 💗💗

Loads of these beauties at #eastlambrookmanor today, shame every one of my photos was out of focus 😂 I was reading that they self seed readily?

Love these, so pretty 😁

Gorgeous. We go away for a week tomorrow so will miss them opening. But looking forward to them being open when we get back!

This is in its second season now Tash, and it hasn’t self seeded, mores the pity, hopefully it will this year @tash74 👍👍

Gorgeous aren’t they Kerry @kez001uk 👍😍

Have a great holiday both of you. Walking into the garden after being away is such an exciting moment especially at this time of the year @joanboston 😍😍
Late Spring 2018


Mine all finished Jane ☹️

Don’t think mine will be long Julie @juliesgarden 🙁🙁

I had some of that last year Jane - haven’t seen it this year though, I wonder where it’s gone🤔

Maybe something got the bulbs Ann, you’ll have to try again next year, such a shame though @thomasrat3 😟😟
Mid Spring 2018

First one to pop 😍😍

My first one is half dressed this morning ☺️

😂😂 won't be long then Sue @susanhumphrey333

Tonight it's caught up with yours Jane 👍☺️ I found it's clothes on the floor 😂

Ahh, and I’ve come home from work and just found my second one half dressed Sue @susanhumphrey333 😂😂

Striptease show 😂 Hope your day was good, if a work day can be ☺️

It was ok Sue, I'm ready to retire, but I can't for another 15 months, I just get so tired. Were both off the week after next though and we're taking Alicia ( the 13 old granddaughter) to London for a couple of days, I'm really looking forward to that @susanhumphrey333 👍👍

That's our politicians fault, they keep moving the goalposts. They hope we will keel over before reaching retirement age. I could go on, but won't 😡 That will be lovely Jane, something to look forward to ☺️

I couldn't agree more Sue, and no it's the wrong platform for this conversation, but we're really looking forward to London, we're giving Alicia free reign to do what she wants. A lovely couple of days spoiling her, can't wait @susanhumphrey333 😍😍
Mid Spring 2018

Getting ready to burst (thanks Ian @bigemrg) 💚💚

Sounds delicious...😋😉

My favourite bulb!

It does doesn't it Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😂😂

First time for me Joan, I'm looking forward to seeing them @joanboston 👍👍

You’ll love them Jane, so unusual

You’ll love them Thelma 😉

Woohoo! It's amazing how many flowers manage to burst out of that small bud! 😀
Late Autumn 2017

Whoop whoop, the first two Honeybells have appeared 💚💚

Exciting times ahead Jane @pelly 👏😘

Until I saw the photo I had only seen the one, looking at it again I think there's three (bottom left) @jadojado29 👌👌

Ooooh exciting 🤗🤗

How exciting! I need to get into the garden and see what mine are doing...but first I have to remember where I put them 😂😂

They are early! My all time favourite bulb

It’s my first year for them Joan @joanboston 👍👍

Ooh! ‘citing!! When did you plant them Jane?

September I think, I’ve planted my bulbs over quite a few weeks as I had rather a lot @rachelbrooks 🤔🤔

I still haven’t planted my tulips! Haven’t had the time 🙄 luckily they can be planted into December! 😬

I told you you’d bought too many @rachelbrooks 😂😂

Just bought some of these half price have no idea where I'm going to plant them and I hidden them from the hubby!! 😂 😂
Mid Autumn 2017


You'll have to let me know how this one grows I've had my eye on them for a while 😁

I saw a lot last spring on here and liked the look of them and of course I will Angie 😊😊😊 @angiecrazycatlady
@sieveheadsarah. Phew, it hasn’t disappeared 😅 #sicilian-honey-garlic
Every day brings a new surprise at this time of year, Jane, when plants we thought we’d lost forever suddenly appear! It’s magical!!! 😀
Isn’t it just Barbara 🥰 @jacaranda
Love these ....hoping mine show soon Jane 😍🤞
I seem to have Alliums coming up everywhere, didn't know I'd planted so many 😂
They certainly spread 😂 @hebelover
Hopefully not long to wait Pauline 🤞 @flof1952
Waiting for mine to show flowers Jane 🤞
I hope they don’t keep us waiting Joan 🤞 @joanboston