Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'
Siberian Bugloss 'Jack Frost'
Early Summer 2024
- 8
Mid Spring 2023
- 5
Early Spring 2023
- 11
Early Spring 2023
- 17
Mid Autumn 2022
- 20
Late Spring 2022
- 9
Mid Spring 2022
- 12
Mid Summer 2021
- 11
Early Summer 2021
- 12

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'
Early Summer 2024
Mid Spring 2023
Early Spring 2023

I had a lovely surprise the other day. I thought I’d lost this brunnera a couple of years ago after winter so I bought a new one but it’s decided to appear again. I must lift it and find a less crowded spot for it 🌱 #brunnera-macrophylla-jack-frost #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost #foliagefriday

Morning Jane, what a wonderful find. Great news!

That looks amazing together Jane 👍🏻😍

It does look effective against the black grass

Morning Angela. I was so excited to see it 😍 @italydiva

I might have to see if I can clear some space for it without having to move the other plants too much 🤔 @juliesgarden @joannie.a

I think all this rain has woke them up…..👍🏼

Interspersed with the sun too. It’s been good for the garden 😍 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

It looks well at home with its chums ☺️

Love how it’s peeking through the mondo grass 🖤💚🖤

Me too but there's no room for it there at the moment. I'll have to see what I can do 🤔 @kez001uk
Early Spring 2023

Morning everyone. After having seen a few photos of peoples brunneras coming back to life a while ago I was beginning to think that maybe I'd lost mine so I was delighted when I saw this the other day 💚 #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost #brunnera-macrophylla-jack-frost #foliagefriday

Morning Jane… yayy.. thought id lost mine too ,but its coming on now nicely 👍🏻

We're just slow starters Julie 😂😂😂 @juliesgarden

A lovely feeling when something lost is found 💚

It is especially when I’ve lost one before 🥰 @Auricula

Even more special- just noticed my Hosta has appeared☺️

Always nice to see things returning


Err, I haven't seen where did I put it 🤔😂 @Auricula

Especially when you think you've lost it 🥰 @hebelover

Very relieved for sure 😍 @columbiariver

i love the rocks around it
Mid Autumn 2022

Morning everyone, its a very gloomy start to #foliagefriday. Jack Frost has his golden crown now and is looking rather smart 👑 #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost #brunnera-macrophylla-jack-frost

Morning Jane .. fabulous 💚💛

Morning Jane, I must find one of these to replace one I left at the old house

Morning Jane, it is a great plant

Morning again, thank you 🥰 @juliesgarden

Morning Jeremy, you definitely must 😍 @jpea

Morning Joan, it certainly is 💚 @joannie.a

I love these 💚 They look great when the new foliage emerges in spring and they still look great as they begin to fade in autumn 💚

Oh me too Barbara. Mine usually go from green and silver to a black mush, it’s the first time I’ve seen this happen 🥰 @jacaranda

Jack's aging nicely

Jack always looks lovely. Wish I had bought one when I saw some in the Summer. Next year for sure. 💚🤍

Afternoon Jane…it suits its name ❄️
Late Spring 2022

In the plant directory it says full sun to partial shade for my brunnera but mine wasn’t doing very well so I looked at various websites and they pretty much all said partial to full shade. I’ve moved it now and it’s doing much better. It’s a bit misleading @gardentagsplantsteam #foliagefriday #brunnera-jackfrost #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost 💚

Mines in shade until the afternoon Jane and seems to work quite well

This gets late afternoon and evening sun now, I'll see how it goes. Thanks Julie 👍 @juliesgarden

So glad you’ve managed to find the right spot for it. 😀🪴

Thanks Angela, me too 🥰 @italydiva

It looks to be thriving now💚🤍

They are definitely much better in shade, I think a lot of labels have bog standard instructions - full sun to partial shade and a free draining moisture retentive soil - no real help.

Fingers crossed Elise 🤞 @Auricula

What annoyed me most was that I followed the advice on here Karen and I agree Joan, extremely unhelpfully 😡 @KOutdoors @joannie.a
Mid Spring 2022

This may not look like much. I thought I’d lost my brunnera over the winter but I noticed new leaves coming about a week ago. I’m so happy 💚 #foliagefriday #brunnera-macrophylla-jack-frost #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost

Brunnera is such a pretty plant, I love the silvery veining on this one 😍


It's lovely isn't it Lucy 💚 @topiarytragedy

Thanks Elaine 🥰 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

They are usually hardy as old boots so you should be fine

It’s heart swelling when you find something coming back to life💚

Always a delight to see a plant re-emerge when you thought it was lost 😊

That's what I thought Joan. It didn't do very well in the ground so I put it in a pot, maybe I upset it 🤔😂 @joannie.a

Most definitely, I was gutted when I thought I'd lost it 🙃 @Auricula

Absolutely Angela 👍 @italydiva
Mid Summer 2021

Morning all, have a great #foliagefriday #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost #brunnera-macrophylla-jack-frost 💚🤍💚

Morning Jane 🙋 I must get one of these as I left the old one at the previous house @pelly

Morning Jane - brilliant photo💚🤍💚

You must then. I’m trying to incorporate more foliage plants in my garden at the moment 🌿 @jpea

Morning Elise, thanks, it’s a good subject 💚 @Auricula

Fabulous 💚🤍💚🤍

Thanks Julie 💚🤍 @juliesgarden

Good morning Jane love the markings on the leaves🤗

Morning Enid, they’re lovely aren’t they 💚 @godfreye

Love this foliage so much very striking

Thanks, I love it too 💚 @loveofplants
Early Summer 2021

Cataloguing. I think I've identified this correctly but if you think not please let me know #brunnera-macrophylla #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost


Thanks 💚 @Auricula another one I wanted.

Is outdoor or indoor very nice. Think I have a bit self seeded in my front garden 😍 and I love it

It’s certainly a beautiful plant 🪴 @littleshed1 what do you think 🤔

Ive got jack frost, and Alexander great, both very similar. For me it could be either. But what do i know, i struggle to grow a decent carrot 😂 @jacaranda

You are so funny, Dave!!! I laughed out loud at that comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though, does Alexander have larger leaves than Jack? Maybe Jane needs to wait until the plant is more mature before deciding 🤔😘

@jacaranda ive just been and looked at mine barbara. If it wasnt for the pots, their difficult to tell which is which. Sea heart is easy to identify.

Thanks for your help Barbara and Dave. Yes, I’ll leave it as it is for now and let it grow on then ask again when it’s bigger. Love the carrot remark 😂😂😂 @jacaranda

It certainly looks like my jack frost, but I don't have Akexander The Great to compare.

It’s such a small plant it’s hard to tell but apparently Alexander has much bigger leaves so I’ll have to wait and see. Thanks Joan 💚 @joannie.a
#foliagefriday #brunnera-macrophylla-jack-frost #siberian-bugloss-jack-frost 🍀
Fabulous.. mines been chomped 🐌🐌
Love this!
I have one that’s self seeded several times
Oh no 😢 @juliesgarden
That’s good 👍 @vegandmore
Great planr
They are aren’t they 🤩 @joannie.a