Clematis 'Niobe'
Mid Spring 2023
Late Autumn 2022

Morning everyone. This clematis has had a single bud on it for weeks now but I wasn’t expecting it to open so I had a lovely surprise yesterday when I saw this 💜 #clematis-niobe #latebloomer #surprisebloom

Morning Jane. It was obviously waiting for the right moment to unfurl those beautiful petals ....lovely colour 👋😍💜

Morning Pauline, it must have been. It’s usually more of a red colour but I’m not complaining ❤️😍 @flof1952

Morning Jane..lovely💜 , mines well gone with the weather we’ve had!!

How beautiful

Definitely a case of better late then never

Thanks Julie and yes I can imagine 😢 @juliesgarden

Thanks Joan, it was lovely to see 🥰 @joanboston

I agree Joan 💜 @joannie.a

Morning Jane, nature is quite remarkable and never ceases to surprise. How lovely!

Morning Angela, thank you and you are so right 💜 @italydiva

Morning Jane, it’s quite surprising how plants flower in different colours, a Phlox flowers lilac in my garden and pink in my neighbour’s☺️
Mid Spring 2022

Had to nip to Aldi for a couple of bits and whoops…… #clematis-niobe

Nice ❤💜 I have this one too, it was the one that refused to die 😄

It'd be rude not to buy it

Believe it or not my husband told me to get it, that was quite worrying Karen 😂😂😂 @KOutdoors

There’s hope for mine yet then 😂 @hebelover

It would wouldn’t it Jeremy, very bad form 😂 @jpea

Lovely rich colour. 😍😍

Wow I wouldn't have been able to say no to that either!

Thanks Diane, it really caught my eye 🌺 @hkyfvr

I’m a sucker for clematises Belinda 🌺 @belindah

Great buy

Very welcome Jane ♥️
Morning everyone. Clematis Niobe is starting to flower now, it's such a lovely rich colour ❤️ #clematis-niobe
Morning again Jane.. love this one ❤️
Me too but I thought it was more red than it is. I'll have to have a look for a Rebecca ❤️ @juliesgarden
Rebecca is definitely red 👍🏻