Baptisia australis
Late Spring 2018
Early Summer 2017

I can't remember which variety of Baptisia this is, but it's putting on a good show and the bees are enjoying it.

Wow, you have so many beautiful plants I've never even heard of and...I like your hat!

Thank you. I like unusual plants, so seem to have collected quite a lot of oddities.

Hi Pete, I bought this plant last june and at the moment it is nothing but a twig in the ground. Shall i cut this back or will it spring in to life regardless?

Hi Charlie. It’s not the earliest plant back into growth in spring. I usually wait to cut back the old dead material until I see the first new shoots. However, if the old growth is very tall and might be putting a strain on the roots in an exposed situation where it’s windy, it might be worth reducing the old growth a bit, but I wouldn’t cut right back to the base just yet. Hope it does well for you.
Beautiful 💜💜