Evening Primrose
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 6
Mid Spring 2020
- 2
Mid Spring 2020
- 2
Late Spring 2018
- 1

Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

Sunset Boulevard evening primrose #primrose

Oooohhhhh love that color. Never seen one like that before. Beautiful. Thank you.

@angeljen i found it at lowes and when it first blooms it is a really soft pastel yellow and as the bloom grows older it turns into this peachy orange color..i planted it with pink showy primrose

@angeljen i found it at lowes and when it first blooms it is a really soft pastel yellow and as the bloom grows older it turns into this peachy orange color..i planted it with pink showy primrose

@angeljen i found it at lowes and when it first blooms it is a really soft pastel yellow and as the bloom grows older it turns into this peachy orange color..i planted it with pink showy primrose

Wow, sounds really pretty with the pink primrose. It's just sooo beautiful. Great find.
Mid Spring 2020

I bought a lemon sunset primrose from the rescue rack and i planted it with my pink evening primrose..i thought the pink and yellow would look pretty together..i do not do much with this area and i let the primrose do its thing here ..by the time the primrose dies back from the summer heat i have morning glories blooming on the trellis and i have fennel and alyssum for around the pole...i do not like the pole so i try to pretty up

They look very pretty
Mid Spring 2020

Pink ladies / pink evening primrose/ mexican primrose

Beautiful colors. Soo delicate looking.
Late Spring 2018

Evening primrose bloom
This bloom is huge #primrose