Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta'
Japanese Snowball 'Shasta'
- Late Spring 2019
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- Late Spring 2019
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- 6
Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum 'Shasta'
- Late Spring 2019
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- Late Spring 2019
- 2
Doublefile Shasta viburnum
Wow. That is a double file virburnum? I saw them at nurseries, but I am unfamiliar with them. They are beautiful when flowering.
@laketitlow I love this plant. It was only knee high when planted but today it’s over 12’ high and wide! In the spring, when blooms are full, the entire shrub looks like it’s just covered in snow!
This is a virburnum that is resistant to the virburnum leaf beetle, correct?
@laketitlow Hmmm, I’ve actually never heard of this beetle and I can honestly say that I’ve never had any problems with beetles on this particular plant. I googled this beetle and can only guess that perhaps the beetle isn’t on Maryland’s Eastern Shore which is where I live or perhaps this type of viburnum is slightly hairier than it’s other viburnum preferences so if the beetle is in the shore it stays off of this viburnum type.
It has not made it to Minnesota yet. It is in Wisconsin. I have virburnum arrowwood and cranberry. Their favorite ones to eat.