Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens 'Bright Lights'
Swiss Chard 'Bright Lights'
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 5

Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens 'Bright Lights'
Late Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

My first vegetable said hello to me 😄 Please grow well🙇#swisschardbrightlights #swisschard #terracegarden #vegetable

I love Swiss chard bright lights, looks like you have some red ones coming through , love the way they grow so fast and big

Hi Gillie @bindin40 yes i have red ones pink ones and i think yellow ones. I hope i can handle to look after them. Have a lovely day👍 @bindin40

You will have a great crop! If you don't have enough room, good luck in choosing which ones to grow on - always hard thinning out 🌱 seedlings, when you have raised them from a tiny seed you will wat to grow on every one 😄

That's my problem right now😦I have a big space but i have to thin out seedlings because too much to look after. I fell sorry for those tiny seeds🙇 @bindin40
Looks good to me😉#swisschard #terracegarden #edible
Me to 👀👌📸👌
👍😄 @Naomi126