Lilium 'Forever Susan'
Lily 'Forever Susan' (Asiatic)
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 7

Lilium 'Forever Susan'
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

Gardener's pride💚 #asiaticlily #blooming #gardenerspride
Early Spring 2018

"The modest Rose puts forth a thorn, The humble sheep a threat’ning horn: While the Lily white shall in love delight, Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright" William Blake #asiaticlily #foreversusan #spring

Beautiful Pieta!!💘😍

💚💚💘😚 @ShelleySnyder

Hi dear Shelly. I need your help again🙇 I have dig out one of my lily bulb today.( Big brother tree Lily) Because despite growing all my other lilies this one didn't grow. I thought maybe the roots has rot. So I dig it out. But it was fine. I replanted it again. Dou you think it is ok? I searched on the internet. But they all talk about dig out the bulbs for storage not dig out mistakenly. Many thanks already😍😚 @ShelleySnyder

Sorry this has taken so long! I've been busy today, but your Lily should be fine, just replant it, just make sure it gets enough sun, they like at least 6 hours a day to do there best! Keep me posted! I'm always happy to help if I can!😉💘😍

Love you😍😍😍😚😚😚I'll keep you posted💚💚 @ShelleySnyder

How sweet you are Pieta!!xo💘😍
No filter no photoshop💚💚💚 Naturel Beauty🙃 #asiaticlily #blooming
Beautiful, I have this one too
Great! ☘☘ @lesliecole49