Lilium 'Mona Lisa'
Lily 'Mona Lisa' (Oriental)
Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Late Spring 2017
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Lilium 'Mona Lisa'
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

@terrimclaughlin The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Plants is going to show up and rehome my lilies. My picture will be up in nurseries with signs saying, "Do not sell plants to this person."

Your so funny!!! If u have any insecticide left I'd (tonight) spray your dirt there still might be some down there
Early Summer 2017

They're everywhere! All over my lilies!

Oh my goodness!!! I'd be drowning those suckers, they don't look good. I use a mix of soap and water without harm to the plants.

Die! Die! Die! I killed them, @jennlamaye I sprayed a soap, water, vinegar mixture on them (basically every non-pesticide solution I could find on the internet) and they didn't like. I should have rinsed it off right away, though, instead of a few hours later. The lilies didn't seem to appreciate my murder spray, either, and have brown spots now. Oh, well. At least the aphids aren't sucking their lifeblood out! It doesn't look like they got settled on any of the neighboring plants, either.

Systematic insect control works but I usually do any spraying about 8:00 at night when a lot of things come out plus I think it's safer for the plant. I thought I mentioned this one but it is good the first one listed is Aphids I bought it at Lowes there's also a Sevin spray that works but I'm not sure if that's as good as this one for Aphids good luck

@piratedeathray yeah, that would have freaked me out!

@terrimclaughlin In hindsight, I should have sprayed at night, what with this heat. Whoops. :( Luckily, my plants seem to be pretty hardy, at least the ones that have survived my mismanagement thus far. I'll do better next time. Maybe I'll never have an aphid attack again and it won't be an issue! ;) Yeah, right.

@piratedeathray As lovestogarden would say "you had a blonde moment!!!" Yeah better for the plant I would spray them thick til the spry covers em all. Are they still as thick since u sprayed??

I read your comment to jennlamaye. R they gone. Let me know. I'd rather use that then spend money on these others👏👏let me know

@terrimclaughlin The bugs are gone! They started dying immediately and I was able to wipe some of them off with my fingers. The plant looks really bad, though!! Was it my bad decision to spray in the heat? Did it not like the vinegar in with the soap and water? I read later that some plants don't like vinegar. Who knows. At least they're alive!

When I use dish soap and water I put maybe a teaspoon of soap and fill the spray bottle all the way with water. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to give it alittle plant food ????

Keep us informed

@moore.794 These are the critters that freaked me out so badly on my lilies. I'm guessing aphids? They're gone now. So are the lilies, but at least I took care of that aphid problem. O.o I'm sure I'll have ample opportunities in the future to better handle insect invasions.
Early Summer 2017

What are these!? All over my oriental lilies! I've never had bugs on my lilies before. Are they good? Are they bad? Should I be concerned? They don't seem to be eating it. Not that I can tell, at least.

I can't recall seeing anything like that here. Maybe that lily gives off something they like. My banana tree where I'm getting bananas has something that the wasps are eating, drinking, however u would say it. I'd ask Moore794 or I'd call a real good nursery and ask to speak to someone who could help you with an insect problem they usually have some with horticulture experience especially for your specific area. Good luck I'd call before anything happens maybe nothing will but just to be safe
Early Summer 2017

That's a beauty!! One of my favorite lillies

Gorgeous color!

Lovely 💗🌿
Late Spring 2017

A gift a few years back. I put the one bulb in this pot and now have many! I'm looking forward to putting them in the soil here and watching them take off.
@terrimclaughlin *weep*
If the bugs show up again, I'll do as @terrimclaughlin advises, and spray at night. Duh. I should have thought of that. Then I'll spray the solution off later.
I would go ahead and cut those leaves off so your plant isn't using energy to try an repair them. I usually do that early in the am. You can ask others if you want but I was taught to always cut away leaves like that unless there's a lot than some one day and some another day. It'll be alright you have a good healthy plant
What are you using as spray? And what bugs are you trying to kill? @piratedeathray
I felt very stupid when @cyndi informed me that Sevin said was killing beneficial insects on rose bush. I had used it a couple times for blk. Spot but I told privatedeathray to use alittle dish soap in a misting bottle for aphids and a systemic spray on grasshopper leaf rollers plus garden safe is good and is all organic what do u suggest@moore794
@cyndi It has been blazingly hot with the heat index up around 110 on really bad days. My weather app keeps warning me not to leave children or pets in the car, but neglected to mention the perils of mid day plant spraying. I'll do better next time. :)
@cyndi You explained it quite well. :) Thanks for the tips! I'll look for the oil and your bug recipe.