Vaccinium corymbosum
- Mid Summer 2018
- 2
- 1
- Late Winter 2018
- 0
- 1
- Late Winter 2018
- 0
- 1
- Early Winter 2018
- 3
- 3
- Late Autumn 2018
- 0
- 1
- Early Summer 2017
- 4
- 1
Vaccinium corymbosum
- Mid Summer 2018
- 2
- Late Winter 2018
- 0
There's growth on the big bushes, too! I really hope it doesn't freeze again and kill everything.
- Late Winter 2018
- 0
I want some blueberries in a different part of my yard, so I dug up a stick (I'm sure there's a word for the young plants that grow up next to the mature plants), dipped it in rooting hormone, stuck it in the ground, and promptly forgot about it. That was a few weeks ago. Look! There's growth!
- Early Winter 2018
- 3
Oh my!!! Fresh blueberries. I’m guessing you must live north east I know a lot of good blueberries come as far north as Maine
@terrimclaughlin The blueberries were scrumptious this summer! I would go out every morning, braving the mosquitoes and the heat, to fill up a bucket. Which I would then proceed to eat all by myself and strongly hint that anyone else in the house that wanted any was welcome to get itchy and sweaty and pick their own, but this is my bucket!!
Oh full of snow @piratedeathray
- Late Autumn 2018
- 0
The blueberry bushes turned a beautiful red in the fall!
- Early Summer 2017
- 4
So delicious!!! I've been eating a bucket of blueberries each morning for breakfast. Sometimes after dinner, too.
I was too busy eating the blueberries to take any pictures and now they're all gone. :( They were so delicious.