Pieris 'Forest Flame' syn. Pieris floribunda 'Forest Flame'
Pieris 'Forest Flame'
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 1

Pieris 'Forest Flame' syn. Pieris floribunda 'Forest Flame'
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

I hope I’ve got this right? 😊🙏🏼👍🏼
My trusty Gardening buddy is coming to hopefully put the plants into my garden tomorrow. Finding a spot will be interesting. 😁🙏🏼👍🏼
Hi , P.M. me your address etc , just had a look , I've got lot's of pups . Mark Ellis on messenger 😎🌵
@hagar lots of pups?? Sorry I don’t understand?! 🤔
I have of sets of these Semp's , you just place them on gritty compost and they will easily root , I'll send you some . for some reason we call young succulents .. Pups ☺🌵
@hagar That’s funny that they’re called pups 😆 yes I’d love some. How do you pm on here? 😊🙏🏼👍🏼Don’t worry I’ve just read the comments. Doh 🙈🙄