Prunus laurocerasus 'Marbled White'
Cherry laurel 'Marbled White'
Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2016
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Late Spring 2016
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Late Spring 2016
- 11

Prunus laurocerasus 'Marbled White'
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2016

This is the plant that goes with the label. 😊👍🏼
Late Spring 2016

Did you note the height and spread? They do get enormous, may be too close to the wall there ....

Hi #Squares I didn't until after I'd planted it but wonder if I could prune it to keep it in check? I'm still not totally sure of its final resting place either. I'm having major changes going on in my head and have ideas of flipping the garden on its head. (I have a bad back and pelvis and mobility is poor so my ideas are coming at completely the wrong time 🙈). Thank you for your message though. 😊👍🏼

Oh dear so sorry to hear, hope you are not any pain.... i just wanted to advise you as apart from growing to an enormous height and quickly, other than the pollen they are not used by any other wildlife, they carry cyanide and care is needed when pruning, i always advise clients not to plant this i am totally anti as they are poisonous thugs :(

#advice_PrunusLusitanica #advice_PortugueseLaurel #thug #cyanide #poisonous
Late Spring 2016

Looking forward to this flowering.

@Squares front of label says: plant for wildlife...?

yes @brightcolours pollinating insects enjoy the flowers

@brightcolours care needs to be taken when pruning as contains cyanide

I never knew it was so poisonous😳 Thank you for alerting me to this #Squares@brightcolours

Oops just woke up thought that was all one name apologies 🙈😴💤

@Squares 👍

#cyanide #poisonous

I've had van fulls of the stuff until i knew it was poisonous and i'm still here ;) wouldn't carry it now though and i always advise clients to choose something else for hedging as this is of little use to wildlife really apart from the pollen

#hedge #wildlife

#squares hi is there anything special I need to do if I move it? Is it safe for my cats to sleep under? I'm worried about it being in my garden now 🤔
The first year its flowered. It has a very subtle fragrance. 😊