New growth on my hoya kerrii. Thankfully, its not as slow a grower as the single leaved cuttings. I was mentally prepared for a full year before I seen new growth, this is less than 6 months! Woohoo! #sweethearthoya #variegatedplants #lovelyleaves #hoya #hellohoya #semihydro #showermethod #heavenly #growbabygrow #heartshapedleaves
New growth on my hoya kerrii. Thankfully, its not as slow a grower as the single leaved cuttings. I was mentally prepared for a full year before I seen new growth, this is less than 6 months! Woohoo! #sweethearthoya #variegatedplants #lovelyleaves #hoya #hellohoya #semihydro #showermethod #heavenly #growbabygrow #heartshapedleaves