Mid Autumn 2016
Mid Autumn 2016

Hello Mary Rose 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏

You can find other like-minded gardeners by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". There you will see other great photos of plants and gardens and you can of course “follow” anyone that you see there should you like to do so!

Should you ever need to reply to a message in your feed or just want to say 'hello', simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Really hope this is helpful and you enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks @teamgardentags. How do you add a task list please

You can't add a task list. Tasks only appear when you choose a plant from the encyclopedia with tasks associated with it. As this group started in the UK the plants in the encyclopedia are those commonly grown there. As the group grows this will change. @ausgardentags @teamgardentags

Thank you #brightcolours
The chives are growing pretty fast
#Frangipani #chives
The #frangipani is doing well too. Frangipanis have different growing requirements to chives and I'd remove the chives. Chives grow very quickly and their roots will fill the pot long before the frangipanis. I would also divide the chives for even more chives and flowers. Where are you?
#Advice #Advice_frangipani #Advice_chives
#brightcolours Im in Ellenbrook WA. And thankz for tbe tip