Ipomoea turbinata
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017

⭐ love to have this one..I'm hoping the white I have will hold onto it's pods and dry so I'll have for next yr. Mine is in morning sun and afternoonshade..where do u have yours?

@Acetaker I have it in morning/early afteroon shade and late afternoon/evening direct sun. I'll keep an eye out for some seed for you!

Thxs❣Does yours have pods formed where a blooms was?

Would love a seed to this. Never even heard of anything but white.
@Acetaker they look pretty much the same to me. Mine doesn't have many. It's not blooming as much right now.
Yep❣We look the same..hehe!❤ Aren't we Beautimious❣(my made up word..lol❣)
Lol! My older sister says that all the time!