Centaurea cyanus 'Double Blue'.
Cornflower 'Double Blue'
- Early Spring 2018
- 15
- 7
- Early Spring 2018
- 17
- 8
Centaurea cyanus 'Double Blue'.
- Early Spring 2018
- 15
- Early Spring 2018
- 17
#bluebachelorbuttons #springblooms #springflowers #survivedthewinter #plantedlastyear #neverbloomedlastyear
That is amazing! Are they normally hardy?
I really don't know @jennlamaye they are the only flowers beside my down this that survived my winter here...and of course my pitcher plants, temperate Sundews and venus fly traps. I've never grown them before. But I will be again. I was that there are other colors of them...i want the whole rainbow now, knowing they will survive if I plant them later in the year!
Thank you @cyndi 💙
I love these especially the blue ones💙. They are hardy @PunkyKy .@jennlamaye
Kyla you go rainbow girl.🤗
@cyndi 😘💙
❤💙💚💛💜💗 @purplebird
#bluebachelorbuttons #cornflowers
I 💙 these! @PunkyKy
Thank you @kimguy 💙 I can't believe they survived all winter and then bloomed for me. I thought they were annuals...but they acted as perennials surviving the cold and staying green all winter.
Pretty cool💙 Ky! These always make me think of meadows that I played in as a child. @PunkyKy
Awww! I love little memories like that! Mine are of fields of what we Texans most commonly call Buttercups... They are actually a pink Evening Primrose. "Oenothera rosea".... also known as the Rose of Mexico. They grew everywhere when I was a kid! We'd stick our noses down inside to smell and get the "butter" 'pollen on our noses! Lol☺ @kimguy
A pink evening primrose! That sounds pretty cool @PunkyKy
They are really delicate and pretty @kimguy https://www.highcountrygardens.com/perennial-plants/evening-primrose-oenothera/oenothera-speciosus-rosea?adpos=1o2&scid=scplp5166&sc_intid=5166&gclid=CjwKCAjwiPbWBRBtEiwAJakcpDXuAyqHxWz0RbroyLSjaQ6TE3dhDSjk3LBQA-oPj4-OcqvMYsxTixoCUpsQAvD_BwE