Dahlia 'Daria In Love'
Dahlia 'Daria In Love' (Decorative)
Late Spring 2019
- 4
Mid Winter 2018
- 13
Mid Winter 2018
- 1
Mid Winter 2018
- 17

Dahlia 'Daria In Love'
Late Spring 2019
Mid Winter 2018


Looks a bit like Lewisia leaves?

Hmmm🤔not quite right

@Muzz67 @Soph1e @succulentwiki

It does look quite like a lewisia

I don’t think this is lewizia- have tagged you all in mine.

Also, if you look closely at the other photos of this plant - it has serrated edges on the leaves.

I believe it's an aeonium of some sort @Yollymac just not sure which one....going to have to do some looking around. I've been so busy today....i Haven't had the time.

@PunkyKy - totally agree. I have been poking around looking for it as well but it’s slow going as I am helping my parents move house this week.

Thank you for all your help! You are a doll @Yollymac 😍😘🤗

@PunkyKy - you’re most welcome. 🤓

Xoxo💜💚💜💚 @Yollymac
Mid Winter 2018

Mid Winter 2018

Help me identify this plant @veepaisal @Yollymac @gjones @alovealoe @aloeuverymuch @osm_azn @lovestogarden @bpetty55 @KariSamuel @succulentwiki Does anyone have any idea what this unmarked ?echeveria? Might be? I'm thinking it's an echeveria or maybe a hybrid. I got it from #plantforthought #rubyplants #rubyplants-online #newplant #newtome #needID #noid #idneeded #indoors #overwinter #overwinter-inside #indoorgarden #growlight #kysgardenofsucculents #newaddition #succulentaddict #succulentlove

Looks like some sort of aeonium with those leaf edges. Can we see more photos side on?

It's an aeonium but it needs more sun soon.

Yes I'll take some more pics right now @Yollymac

Thank you @alovealoe I wasn't too sure...id never seen one like it! You said it needs more sun?

Yes it does. The lightening at the center means it's not getting enough light. And when plants are etiolated it can make it harder to ID sometimes

I am glad you got some help. I can not add anymore. ❤😀

Thank you @alovealoe I just got this plant from #plantforthought #rubyplants-online Great company! Great choices to choose from. Do you think a grow light will be sufficient right now? Or do I need to set it in a a window to get actual sunlight?

I just don't. understand why rubyplant does not properly I.D theirplants!

I know @kimguy they take very good care of them....they should know what they Are! Lol! Maybe they are new to succulents. I still haven't learned them all myself. But you would think if they got them from other sellers wholesale or something they would be labeled. Who knows? Ha ha! 🤣 it just make our brain work a little harder! 😁😂

I agree it's so frustrating trying to figure them out but I'm probably learning more that way @PunkyKy

I've got to get my plants catalogued. I can't seem to get enough done in a day!!! @PunkyKy
#newbloom #newbloom-dahlia #dahlia-daria-in-love #dahlia #dariainlove-dahlia-blooming #daria-in-love-dahlia #bi-colored-dahlia #dahlia-bi-colored #bi-colored-dariainlove-dahlia #bloomnumber2-dariainlovedahlia #unique #two-toned-dahlia #two-toned #bi-colored #dark #deep-red #justopening #justopened #stillopening #moretopetalstocome #adarkbeauty
Hey hey hey you Identified wrong, check it
Thank you @jyotu I accidentally hit the wrong one in my plant list. Very nice of youfor letting me know of my blunder. 😘
Its okay but you should delete this photo because whole identity of it is changed, check previous photos