Echeveria Cubic Frost
Mid Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

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I like the way that one is shaped. Your doing good with succulents I don’t have good luck st all. What’s a good tip??????🤔😊💕

Thank you @terrimclaughlin Not too much water.... water them once a week to every two weeks... in house ones (in spring/ summer).... (winter) they can be watered only once a month and be good. Make sure they are completely dried out before watering again. The ones outside in (summer) can be watered every 4 to 5 days. Sometimes I have to water every 3 depending on the the heat level and how much they have dried out.
#cubicfrost-echeveria #echeveria-cubicfrost #succulentsunday #succulentlove #kysgardenofsucculents #newaddition #new #newplant #newtome #newhome #newpurchase #newsucculent
Beautiful Ky 😍
Thank you so much Jacqui 💚❄🌵 @Muzz67
Lookin good Ky! Cool name as well.
Thank you @kimguy 💗😘 I love the name too! ❄
You are quite welcome my friend 😎💜