Echeveria Neon Breakers
Echeveria 'Neon Breakers'
Early Autumn 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Echeveria Neon Breakers
Early Autumn 2019
Early Summer 2019

#new #newplant #newpurchase #newaddition #newsucculent #succulentsunday #upclose #echeveria #echeveria-neonbreakers #neonbreakers-echeveria #neonbreakers Looks as if I have a #pup growing up through the leaves of this #newsucculent-addition #two-for-one Yay! #walmart-gardencenter #walmart-shopping
Early Summer 2019

#new #newplant #newpurchase #newaddition #newsucculent #succulentsunday #newsucculent-addition #newsucculentgarden-addition #echeveria #echeveria-neonbreakers #neonbreakers #neonbreakers-echeveria I just had to add this one again to my #succulentgarden I killed my last one two winters ago. Hopefully this one will be #safe in my hands. #minenow #fingerscrossed

Very nice 👌🏼 I picked one of these up recently too, although discovered it had some hidden bugs, it’s in quarantine at the moment 🤭😕

Thank you Rich. @richard.spicer.7906 Sorry about the little stowaway critters you inherited. 😖🐛 They are a nuisance! Hope you get them all and your 'Neon' can join in with the other succulents soon. 👍🙂💗💜
#newblooms #echeveria-neonbreakers #neonbreakers-echeveria #neonbreakers-blooming #neonbreakers #blooming-neonbreakers #blooming-echeveria-neonbreakers #echeveria #echeveria-blooms
Nice plant. Question, my grandson wants a pitcher plant and a Venus flytrap. Where would I get them? 🙂
Thank you Michelle! 💜 @purplebird So very cool that your grandson wants to divulge into the wonderful world of Carnivorous Plants! I have personally gotten most of my collection from eBay, but one must use judgment when buying from there, especially when buying seeds or anything from China. There are some "fakers" in the crowd. I will provide you with a couple of reputable sellers. But there are several great websites devoted to the CP lover with a nice selection of plants at a great price. ⬇️
@purplebird Here are a few websites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reputable sellers on Ebay: sellers: flytraps (11133) , sellers: littlecarnivores (995) ,sellers: 1wellspringg (21), sellers: sprouse2006 (2514) There are a few others but I've had success with these guys. 💚
Thanks bunches this will help a lot.☺️
I can't remember were you one of the people that wanted redbud tree seeds? I finally collected them if you want some.☺️
I just ordered a Nepenthes "DeRose alata" bare root with 4" pot and sphagnum Moss. Says it is indoor plant. This is a birthday present for my 11 year old grandson. Do you have any tips for us?
@purplebird #nepenthes-ventrata , Deroose Alata is a name often given to this complex hybrid. N. Alata x (alata x n. ventricosa) its named after the Deroose Nursery in the Netherlands. Keep the soil moist, never let it dry out completely. Rain, distilled, RO water. They love high humidity and daily misting. This is a highland species so they like cooler nights. About a 15° drop in temps. Daily temp 75-85°F Night temp LOW 60s. Bright indirect light if kept inside... partial to some full sun out.
Yes Michelle @purplebird I would love some rosebud tree seeds. Thank you very much!💗😘
Thanks for the info. My email is please send me your address. They are redbud tree seeds not Rose buds. I have picture of one blooming on my feed if you are not familiar with them. ☺️