Gibasis geniculata syn. Tradescantia geniculata
Tahitian Bridal Veil
Early Winter 2018
- 10
Late Autumn 2017
- 7
Mid Autumn 2017
- 4

Gibasis geniculata syn. Tradescantia geniculata
Early Winter 2018
Late Autumn 2017
Mid Autumn 2017

Thank you so much Vanessa! @veepaisal #mail #newplant #friendmail #sharingiscaring #myfriendsrock

You’re welcome! Did it start growing roots for u?? Samantha’s did lol when she opened the package @PunkyKy

@PunkyKy @veepaisal is right lol! Mine were rooting in the mail, so much so that I just put them straight into soil instead of starting in water haha

Mine did too....i put mine in soil...then took them out to get better roots. @veepaisal @pretty_paws_29
My only 2 #surviving pieces of #tahitianbridalveil I had a bad time with knocking over the dang pot of them and messing them up, they were so fragile. But these two #rooted and survived and have #newgrowth
I had a time with mine think it got knocked over twice...or I potted them...then took them out to root in water....then re-potted and knocked the fresh potted pot over...yeah..thats what I did! Lol! Then the cats knocked it over ! Lol @cyndi
I know when those things happen we get very upset and I know it’s not funny but you and @ cyndi made me smile reading your conversation. Girls now that I have alittle extra money I’ll get your pkgs. off very soon
I don't have this one to knock over but I did drop one The other day.Butterfingers, that's me!
Thank you @terrimclaughlin you are so thoughtful! How have you been doing? too @kimguy or my kitties...they are reckless sometimes!
I don't know if it's because they are all older but they really are not interested in my plants. @PunkyKy
I have one that like to pee in them! That would Miss Fatty Fat Fat Roxxie! Little turd! I caught her! and caught her laying in the pots on top of them too! The Mixxie just walks through or over them. @kimguy
Oh geez, I'm actually suprized that my Layla doesn't do that!😹
Lol. 😹 @kimguy