I was lucky enough to have made clumps when I bought this flip. Been here forever. Beautiful folliage. Flowers too, but folliage is still going strong thru frost and snow. They are turning now, but it looks so kewl. Love Dutch iris
Thank y'all so much @cyndi and @gjones ❤❤ I can't wait to see it!🤗 The rain has finally stopped for right now... hopefully it'll dry up so I can get these little babies planted! ⛅🌞🌱☺
#new #newbulbs #newpurchase #fallplanting #bulbs #bulbs-dutch-iris-mixed #mixed-dutch-iris #iris-dutch #dutchirises #dutchiris-bulbs #dutchirises-mixed #dutchiris-bulbs-mixed
I'm so excited about these! I'll save you a few! @cyndi
I was lucky enough to have made clumps when I bought this flip. Been here forever. Beautiful folliage. Flowers too, but folliage is still going strong thru frost and snow. They are turning now, but it looks so kewl. Love Dutch iris
Thank y'all so much @cyndi and @gjones ❤❤ I can't wait to see it!🤗 The rain has finally stopped for right now... hopefully it'll dry up so I can get these little babies planted! ⛅🌞🌱☺
That's awesome that they multiplied! You were so lucky! 🍀☺ Oh I hope mine do too quickly! 💜💛💜💛 I love them too❤.... so beautiful @high