Narcissus papyraceus syn. Narcissus 'Paper White'
Daffodil (Species) Paper White Daffodil
Mid Winter 2019
- 3
Mid Winter 2019
- 13
Early Winter 2019
- 9

Narcissus papyraceus syn. Narcissus 'Paper White'
Mid Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Here is the #flowerbud of my #unknown-bulbplant Jeff @jeatacake ... Cyndi @cyndi ... Janice @lovestogarden .... Shelley @ShelleySnyder

Maybe daffodil?

I was thinking the same thing Ruth. 💗 @sushiwaitress

Yeah its daffodil

Definitely #daffodil !

Looks like a daff to me too!💘😍

Yay! 🎉☺ Thank you guys! @jyotu @KariSamuel @ShelleySnyder You guys Rock! ✌💋💗


I'd go for a daff too. You'll soon know for sure!

Thank you ☺💗 @jeatacake

We'll see how much we rock if it's not a daff!😂😂😂💘😍

Daffodil 👏👏👏
Early Winter 2019

Help me identify this plant Are these daffodils? @cyndi @kimguy @terrimclaughlin @ShelleySnyder @jeatacake @treefrog44 @lovestogarden @jennlamaye #new #newplant #newplants #newtome #newhome #newbulbplants #savingplants #sharingthelove #plantsfrommyfriend #from-MommaJanet #notwanted #hadtohave #saved

Garlic? Spring onions? 🤔

I have a tendency to think they are not daffodils, do they have a scent like onion? If so they are allium or onion 🤔💘😍

Onions? Definitely smell the leaves.

Definitely needs a scratch & sniff 😁

I scratched and sniffed everyone.... not onions... lol! 😂 @jeatacake @ShelleySnyder @cyndi @lovestogarden I took off that thin white papery layer and let them hang down naturally. Some had a flower stem and bud inside. I'll take pics in a few and post.

They could be daffs then! I guess we'll see!😊💘😍

Interesting. Defo need to see it in flower.

The flower will tell so much.
#narcissus-paperwhite #paperwhites #jonquil-paperwhite #finallyidentified #truly-identified #finallybloomed #februaryflowers #februaryblooms
Thank you @cyndi ☺ I took it a few days ago and with being sick, I forgot to post it. So glad I'm starting to feel better. And I guess the ribs were just badly bruised.... cause Aleve, has finally put a dent in the pain! 👍
Thanks @cyndi 😘❤