Nepenthes ventricosa
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 7
Late Winter 2018
- 7
Mid Winter 2018
- 10
Early Winter 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 4

Nepenthes ventricosa
Mid Autumn 2018
Early Spring 2018

#newgrowth #grown #growing #grow #growlights #indoors #indoorgarden #growingindoors #growlight #carnivorousplant #pitcherplant #tropicalpitcherplant #nepenthes #nepenthes-ventricosa #newpitchers #pitcher #new #carnivorous #bugeater #bugeatingplants #insectivious #bugeating #bugeatingplant #buglover #bugkiller #meateater #reallygrown #redpitcher #upclose #macro

Looking good 😃 @PunkyKy

Fantastic!😎💜 @PunkyKy

Lol! It's just an upclose @gjones

Thank you!😘 @alysha

Thanks so much! 😍😎 @kimguy

Hi Ky, I’m an absolute beginner to carnivorous plants. I live in quite cool conditions (London) so would it be possible to grow them indoors on a windowsill? If so do you have any tips to keeping them alive? Thanks for your time 😊😄 #pitcher
Late Winter 2018

Look at all the #newgrowth #newpitchers on my #nepenthes All 3 of them are getting full of brand new #pitchers ! I'm so excited! I #mustbedoingsomethingright #indoors #indoorgarden #growingindoors #growlight #carnivorousplants #carnivorousplant #bugeater #bugeatingplants #insectivious #bugeating #nepenthesventricosa #nepenthes-ventricosa #tropicalpitcherplant


Thank you @Cyndi I'm so happy with them! I must be doing something right! Lol 😍😂

I know it is so exciting! Thank you Terry! @moore.794

Xoxo @cyndi

Looking good there green carnivore thumb.🤗

Thank you 💚👍💚 @purplebird
Mid Winter 2018

#nepenthes #nepenthesventricosa #newgrowth #grown #growing #newpitchers #pitcher #new #newpitcher #grow #growing #inside #indoors #indoorgarden #growingindoors #growlight #growlights #carnivorous #carnivorousplant #pitcherplant #bogplant #bugeatingplants #insectivious #bugeating #bugeatingplant #overwinter #overwinterinside #carnivorouscollection

Great photos Kyla!💘😍

Thank you Shelley 💗😘💗 @ShelleySnyder

You're welcome my friend!💘😍

I like the pic display too looks great😊💕

Lookin good, Kyla! @PunkyKy

Thank you Terri!💚 @terrimclaughlin

Thanks so much @kimguy 💗💚💗

💜💜💜💜💜💜 @PunkyKy

😍😘😍😘 @kimguy
Early Winter 2018

Looks great after being re-potted with #sphagnummoss #peat mixture. Trimmed off the dead pitcher (only one on the plant) and some damaged leaves. Some new pitchers starting to form. #tlc #growing #newgrowth #growlight #carnivorous #carnivorousplant #nepenthesventricosa #bugeating #bugeatingplants #insectivious
Early Autumn 2017

A new pitcher has formed. This one lost all it pichters after I first got went into shock from being shipped.and had find its place to be. I have this one growing in the house...2 more outside...wanted to see what the difference would make. ☺

Kyla, remember that Epsom salt is good for shock as well as helping photosynthesis. 1to 2 Tablespoons Epsom salt to 1 gallon of water. Has magnesium sulfate.

You can't fertilize carnivorous plants with anything but a a product called Maxsea. But it's only for the professional growers. 💚💜@purplebird

Yes I love that site! 💖💚💖 Thanks for sharing it again! I had forgotten about it! 🤗😍😘 @cyndi
#newplants #newgrowth #nepenthes #nepenthes-ventricosa #nepenthes-basal-growth #basal-growth-nepenthes #carnivorous #carnivorousplants #carnivore #buglover #bugeater #bugeating #bugeatingplant #tropicalpitcherplant #kyscarnivorouscollection #kysgardenofcarnivourousplants #carnivorouscollection #carnivore-crazy #carnivorous-babies #baby-nepenthes #nepenthes-baby All three of my Nepenthes have sprouted #new-basal-plants I'm so excited about this! I have had them over a year now and they seem to
Be doing pretty well! ☺ yay! 🤗