Passiflora suberosa
corkystem passion flower
Early Winter 2018
- 7
Early Winter 2018
- 5
Late Autumn 2017
- 1
Mid Autumn 2017
- 9

Passiflora suberosa
Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

#newgrowth on my #corkystempassionvine #gift from @treefrog44 Lookie Theresa! This one loves me too! 💗

Look at you ladies go! ❤ @PunkyKy @cyndi

🎶I'm so excited! I just can't hide it!🎶 lol @cyndi @treefrog44

Whoo Hoo @PunkyKy! We shall do the dance of joy💃🙅👣❤💚💜💙💛

Yes we shall boogie down! Lol! 💖 @kimguy
Late Autumn 2017

#newgrowth #corkystempassionvine
Mid Autumn 2017

what kind of vine is this @treefrog44 #gift from @treefrog44 thank you so much for the gift! I love it! 💚💜

It's the corky stem passion flower

Thank you so much Theresa! I couldn't remember what you said you might send! I love it so much! I was so surprised when I got mail today! @treefrog44

Can I grow it inside right now? @treefrog44 or do I need to plant it outside?

Passion flowers can also be houseplants! So it should be OK inside :)

Your welcome Kyla! :)

Awesome...thank you @treefrog44 and @cyndi

@PunkyKy I have most of the info on my profile if u would like to use it. It's a interesting plant for a butterfly 🦋

Yes I sure would... @Acetaker
Even more #newgrowth and #newleaves #growlight #indoorgarden #indoors #gift #sharingiscaring #friendsmatter
I'm so thrilled I kept it alive @treefrog44 lol
Next you will be posting pics with the flowers!! That's awesome! I knew you had a growing Goddess in you! ❤
Awww thanks so much Theresa! I try! ☺🌱💋 @treefrog Thank you so much for the vine. What butterfly is it host to again?
I just looked at the flowers again....they are so small and pretty! Very exotic! @treefrog44
There are 2, Gulf Fritillary Butterfly, and the Zebra Longwing
Sweet...thank you very much!🦋 @treefrog44