Sarracenia 'Dana's Delight'
Pitcher Plant 'Dana's Delight'
- Late Autumn 2017
- 15
- 1
- Late Autumn 2017
- 17
- 1
- Late Autumn 2017
- 14
- 1
- Late Autumn 2017
- 10
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 14
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 26
- 14
- Early Autumn 2017
- 23
- 6
- Early Autumn 2017
- 23
- 4
- Early Autumn 2017
- 22
- 5
- Late Summer 2017
- 23
- 1
- Late Summer 2017
- 18
- 5
Sarracenia 'Dana's Delight'
- Late Autumn 2017
- 15
- Late Autumn 2017
- 17
#red #sarracenia #sarraceniadanasdelight #carnivorous #carnivorousplants #bog #boggarden #bogplant
- Late Autumn 2017
- 14
#sarracenia-danasdelight #sarraceniadanasdelight #sarracenia #carnivorous #pitcherplant #boggarden #bogplant #bog
- Late Autumn 2017
- 10
#sarraceniadanasdelight #sarracenia #carnivorous #pitcherplant #sarracenia-Danasdelight #bogplant
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 14
#sarracenia #sarraceniadanasdelight
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 26
#Sarracenia #sarraceniadanasdelight #carnivorous #carnivorousplant #bogplant #maroon #pitcherplant
Oh my! Who knew they were so colorful!💘😍
Isn't it pretty? I just love the colors! ❤💚🗯💚❤ I can't wait till it gets to be a bigger plant! @ShelleySnyder
It's very pretty!!❤️❤️
These are so beautiful Kyla and yours looks so healthy too 💚💖💚
Thank you❤💚❤ @ShelleySnyder
Thank you Jane💚❤💚 I try to take very good care of them. Keep them.well hydrated and I even hand feed them sometimes... @daisy-jane
😘 You do take good care of them and they love you!!!💕
No wonder they look so healthy Kyla,that's dedication 😘👍👏👏
Thank you Jane! ❤💚 @daisy-jane I do love my plants alot...I do my very best!
Thank you Kim 💚❤😍 do love them too! I try so so hard! @kimguy
Thank you 💝💋💖 @cyndi
- Early Autumn 2017
- 23
- Early Autumn 2017
- 23
Newly formed pitcher #sarracenia #carnivorous #bugeating #pitcherplant
@PunkyKy COOL!!👍👍👍
Thanks! 💚💗💚 @ShelleySnyder & @andiegail2002 I just love this one! The pitchers get such beautiful coloring in the sun! ❤☀️ A dark deep maroon!
- Early Autumn 2017
- 22
Look at the pretty colors! #sarraceniadanasdelight #sarracenia
Ohhh. So impressed!
Thank you! @ofthought
Wow sooo pretty and different I think those are fairy walking paths on those leaves 🤗🤗. Punky if you’d like cuttings of anything I have let me know cause your right on the other side of Austin I believe. My email is
Very pretty
- Late Summer 2017
- 23
Love it!
- Late Summer 2017
- 18
Love the color!! Wish i had better luck and less ants with these 😓
Gotta put borax on shopping list.
The color on this is amazing! My camera doesn't do it justice! @kipcott
@cyndi does this work for ant beds too? Send me ok ingredients to my mail,plz..
Yes @cyndi does this work for ant beds too?
#red #sarracenia-danasdelight #sarraceniadanasdelight