Begonia x hiemalis 'Elatior'
Rieger Begonia,
Early Winter 2016
- 11
Late Autumn 2016
- 3
Late Autumn 2016
- 11

Begonia x hiemalis 'Elatior'
Early Winter 2016
Late Autumn 2016

#begonia #elatior #upclose #yellow

Thanks, @alovealoe

Late Autumn 2016

Help me identify this plant

Hello Michelle 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hello", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Finally, if you would like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Michelle? @barbaramatthews @David @Garyg @GREENFINGERSLTD @jamesshobbs @joanboston @KariSamuel @kathy @linfoster @mikethegardener @mr_plantgeek @mrsflowerpot @PlantDoctor @richard.spicer.7906 @thedanielrichards

See also photo of flowers, don't know how to put together yet.@teamgardentags

@Sikoma thanks for the info. Love the pictures of your "yard" my sisters would envy your horses. I am too big to ride but like them too.

@teamgardentags, thanks for the help, never been on a site like this before, will take awhile to get my feet wet. Not technically inclined.

It's a begonia @purplebird

Thank you Michelle. They have all kinds of horse breeds, really large thick bodied drafts to the super tiny minis. All can be ridden or driven/pull carts. I bet there is one that could fit your needs. Plus, mine are like giant dogs. Lol

Thanks @joanboston

@SikoMa well I am morbidly obese and disabled and would feel sorry for any horse I got on. I haven't ridden in many years and then only state park horses.

Michelle, where there is a will there is a way. Plus, you don't have to ride them to enjoy them. They provide a lot of therapy for me, just talking to them and grooming them, and just being around them.
Still going strong since Easter. #begonia
Not usually a fan of yellow but that's looking pretty good 👍
Thanks @susieg, won it at a mother's day dinner/ purse auction. It was our center piece.🤗
What a colour Michelle! As much as I love tuborous begonia, I don't know if it'll survive my Mumbai weather! @Pushkraj
Good morning @drumadixit - i think it'll survive in Mumbai. It does in Pune (which is relatively temperate) but try growing a begonia in semi-shade?
@Pushkraj, do you know where I can get the tubers? When is the planting season? I suppose Pune is a good place for many plants due to its temperate weather.
@drumadixit @Pushkraj mine is a house plant won't survive Indiana USA winters. I'm not sure what to do with it over winter. But as long as it's still blooming I am not changing what I'm doing.🤗
@drumadixit you can't buy tuberous begonias in our part of India but I know for a fact that they're found in the north east like in Himachal and Assam. Please visit to find the largest Indian database of plants and trees spotted in India.
I must add that I don't have them myself. I wish I did though. I don't think they'd survive in Mumbai. @drumadixit
Stunning yellow beauty 💛💛😘
@purplebird so pretty