Tibouchina semidecandra
Mid Spring 2017
Late Winter 2017

Can anybody ID this plant? All my mum could tell was that the flowers are purple. #plantID

This is Tibouchina or princess flower. I have it in my GT plant album. It gives stunning display of purple flowers.

Thanks @drumadixit !

Thanks @usgardentags 😇
The princess flower has finally bloomed! The flowers are beautiful in a vulgar way but I love them anyway #princessflower
Neither had I. Then one day my mum returned from a trip with a budding plant, raving about it 😂 and when I visited the flower show last weekend, this plant was a first-timer there too ... it's suddenly EVERYWHERE @Jasonsparkes1
Really lovely flower🤗
Loving this beauty ❤️💜
Ooh the more I read about how it's unique the more I like it! @gjones .. I'm terribly partial to the words "unique" and "rare" and words like that ;) (betrays my love for antiques)
Oh wow that's got the X factor 💜💜💜
I know, @gjones 😊 that I love one-of-a-kind antiques is a completely different thing. In general, I just like one of a kind or unusual things, plants, etc...