Conophytum bilobum syn. Derenbergia biloba, Mesembryanthemum bilobum
Conophytum 'Living Pebble'
Early Summer 2018
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Early Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Late Winter 2018
- 4

Conophytum bilobum syn. Derenbergia biloba, Mesembryanthemum bilobum
Early Summer 2018
Early Spring 2018

@loznoz1803 .. good morning .. how's it going?

Hello @quinnedy I am going well. How are you? Enjoying the spring weather 😊🌱

@loznoz1803 .. I am great .. just back from the Toowoomba CoF. . Only went for one day but have advance booked for 3 days next year. Most had finished by the Monday but the Gardens were spectacular. Have some photos to post when I tart them up a little. A feast of colour. Also received my parcel from @yollymac. 💓💓💓 😊. Hence very little done apart from constantly peeking at them 😊

That would have been fun. I saw some lovely pics from others from Toowoomba. How exciting!! @Yollymac parcels seem to be all the rage lately 😂😂 so many goodies 😍💞 make sure you share pics xo

These look like #conophytum to me, not lithops. Very lovely!! ❤️
Early Spring 2018

@echeveriasstolemyheart .. is it possible to give this little one an identity please?

@quinnedy I wish I could but I am brand new to Lithops 😊. I would try google searching the image and maybe asking on the Lithops Australia Facebook page.

@echeveriasstolemyheart. . Then we will learn together .. 😊

@sushiwaitress is the #lithops queen. 👑 #lithops-id

Hahahahaaaa! Trick question! This is some kind of #conophytum and not actually a lithops. But it is a #mesemb and comes from the same areas of South Africa as lithops do.
Late Winter 2018

Hello.. please help me identify this plant

It’s a Lithop, as for the type, they are virtually impossible to identify if the origin is unknown. I keep my unknowns on the one side of my pot and named ones the other side. 😁 perhaps @sushiwaitress can help?

I don't know the name of this one. @quinnedy you might ask the Love Lithops group on Facebook.
