Weigela florida 'Alexandra' syn. Weigela florida 'Wine and Roses'
Weigela 'Wine and Roses'
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Late Summer 2016
- 4

Weigela florida 'Alexandra' syn. Weigela florida 'Wine and Roses'
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017

I keep getting these baby little #frogs or #tadpoles on my bushes. Yesterday there were two of them on this bush. I believe they are making big holes in the leaves, but my husband said he didn't think they ate leaves. Any thoughts?🤔. #advice #wildlifewdenesday

I've researched and these are American Green Tree Frogs. There is nothing saying they eat leaves, just insects.
Late Summer 2017

This is when it was in full bloom on June 15th 2017. It is currently starting to rebloom now and since last week😊.
Late Summer 2017

Tiny, tiny little green #frog on a leaf. Idk how the heck it got all the way up there.🤔😀 #wildlifewednesday
Late Summer 2017

Can anyone spot something on a leaf in this photo???😀. I'll show a close-up picture in a little bit 😊. #wildlifewednesday

Wow, you got that fast! I could barely see it myself...lol @cyndi
Late Summer 2016

@PlantDoctor or anyone else, could you please help me identify this plant please? I can't remember the name of this plant?/bush?/or shrub?, and not sure what category to put it as in plant type either. This is my favorite bush(?) and blooms many pink flowers late spring, I think, and now, late summer some of the flowers are blooming again :)

It's a Weigela.

Welcome rachellescott and it's a weigela🙋💐💐

Thank you @Barbara2811 and @PlantDoctor!
Here's a close-up of one of one of the little #amphibians from my previous post. I totally missed the #wildlifewednesday day yesterday.
Thank you for your advise ,I'm going to give it a try , thanks again ,ann
Your welcome Ann!😊 @gardenfreak2
I have a few of them, and yes they are very, very green Gary.😊 Thank you! @scaryskates
That would be interesting trying to send one to you.😁. I could but he'll probably be not moving anymore if that's ok....🤔😂😟😔
I think they are called American Green Tree Frogs @ofthought @scaryskates