Just as a tip and in case you don't know yet, if you tap on any of the #s it takes you to a new screen displaying more of the same. If you also tap on the world symbol top right on this screen and change to worldwide then you'll see a lot more as I know Australia is a relatively new country on here but getting lots of great pics! Based in the UK it's fab to see what's going on down under! Love it
That is a stunning photo. Love it #blue
Thanks Justin
#macro #cornflower
Just as a tip and in case you don't know yet, if you tap on any of the #s it takes you to a new screen displaying more of the same. If you also tap on the world symbol top right on this screen and change to worldwide then you'll see a lot more as I know Australia is a relatively new country on here but getting lots of great pics! Based in the UK it's fab to see what's going on down under! Love it
Thanks Justin-I didn't know that
Beautiful colour #blue
Beautiful close up @ranster 😀