Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2018

Afternoon everyone. Well at least my #astrantia has survived the carnage that is the rest of my garden 😥

Oh nooooo hope not too much damage 😠

Oh dear! I hope it can recover quickly but I feel your pain 😱

I lost a couple of tall agastache flower spikes Keely and the most bizarre of all was finding one of my heuchera on the other side of the road, could have been worse I suppose and I’ve taken cuttings and repotted them so fingers crossed not all lost. Hope you didn’t have too much damage! @Keely

Foxgloves, geums, cornflowers, hosta, briza grass so far came back in was fed up of trying to salvage them will assess tmz as it's still blowing a gale, my back garden gets the brunt of the alley so always suffers n front gets it from the open green neighbours blossom tree nearly in half! 😥 So annoying but what can you do 😠

Such a shame Keely 😥 but I’m sure a lot will bounce back eventually. I’ve spent ages staking as much as I can just to try and keep it upright. @Keely
I can’t get enough of #astrantia flowers, so delicate. Nice combination with the smattering of blue brunnera flowers. #white have a nice day everyone, better forecast up here today ☀️
They are beautiful flowers 🌸🌸
Yes! So lovely! 🥰
Wow! Just love this!! 💕Wishlist!!
Omg I’m in love! This is outstanding. It looks like only folks in the UK growing this. I just adore those colors!
It’s an amazing plant Laney, compliments other plants really well by just growing in and around them and flowering it’s heart out! @laneygarden