Polemonium 'Bressingham Purple'
Jacob's Ladder 'Bressingham Purple'
Mid Spring 2019
- 9
Early Spring 2019
- 6

Polemonium 'Bressingham Purple'
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

Morning everyone! A trio of #polemonium I couldn’t resist this one as I really like the different colours of the leaves and I was really impressed with how long ‘heaven scent’ flowered last year. #springcontainers Have a great weekend everyone!

Morning Richard, the foliage on these is lovely even without the flowers. Have a great weekend too 💚🖤

Morning..love that colour 👍

Morning 🤓 love the colour

Morning Richard. Oh love that one ....going on my wish list. Thank you ....have a brilliant weekend 🤗👌

Very cool. The colors rock. Good morning ☀️ @rbetts25
I love the purple of #polemonium flowers and find at dusk they almost shine out of the gloom. But most importantly the bees love them 💜🐝 #macro
Great photo Richard 💜💜
Thanks Jane, have a great weekend! @pelly
Thank you @suzyw have a great day!
Very beautiful photo! 🙂👍
Beautiful 💜
What a beauty!! Amazing I don’t think I’ve seen those near Texas. 😊💕
Oh that’s a shame Terri, they are beautiful plants. I had a look and it seems that the American native variety is restricted to the NE. @terrimclaughlin
You are right Richard I got this plant for the first time last year and loved it.