Solanum lycopersicum 'Gardener's Delight' syn. Solanum lycopersicum 'Gardeners Delight'
Tomato 'Gardener's Delight'
Mid Spring 2019
- 14
Early Summer 2017
- 4

Solanum lycopersicum 'Gardener's Delight' syn. Solanum lycopersicum 'Gardeners Delight'
Mid Spring 2019
Early Summer 2017

Just starting to turn red 🍅I'm really excited, this is the first time I've successfully 🤞grown tomatoes

They will taste amazing and you will be hooked 😄🖒

You have good cause to be excited Richard 😄These will be so very different and so much better than shop bought.👌Picked my first ripe tomato yesterday - the first of many hopefully.......

Home grown is so good 👍💚
Morning all. Tomato seedlings ready for planting into raised beds. Trusty Gardeners’ delight and also trying a new one called ‘sweet olive’ which is a cherry plum. 🍅 #tomatotuesday
Mine aren't even out of their seed trays, this is mighty impressive Richard 👍👍
Morning Richard, mine aren’t far behind, I’m looking forward to eating home grown ones again 🍅🍅
Hehe☺️ I didn't plant any, but some them have come up by themselves in my back yard. Didn't have to do much except watering them some time. But now I'm going to take care of them
Hopefully they’ll get there in the end JP. I do find the Gardeners’ delight variety very reliable and have trouble with others in the past. @jpea
It’ll be great won’t it @pelly nothing beats home grown ones!
Funnily enough as I'd taken a lot of care with them this year I thought I'd try a number of new varieties Richard but apart from the Costoluto 'florontino' (just loved the name) even my faithful friend Alsa Craig hasn't done well, 2 weeks more then I'm off to the shops! @rbetts25
That’s a nice surprise @bks
That’s such a shame but I guess they can be a bit fussy sometimes about conditions. Out of curiosity did you grow them indoors or in a greenhouse? @jpea
I'm growing them in the greenhouse, so I wonder if the temperature difference between the day & night makes a difference? @rbetts25
Definitely 🍅🍅
That could be it! I’ve read that the seeds are best started off indoors as they like the constant heat to aid germination. @jpea