Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitts Double'
Chinese Meadow Rue 'Hewitts Double'
Mid Summer 2019
- 10
Mid Summer 2018
- 8
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Early Spring 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 12

Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitts Double'
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2018

Morning everyone! This is the last of my #thalictrum to flower. Dainty and beautiful! It didn’t grow as high as I’d have hoped as it got a bit bullied by a Japanese anemone but I’ll remedy that next year. 💕💕

Morning its beautiful I have a few plants that are bullies this year that need a shuffle round

Morning Richard, that’s such an exquisite colour 💕💕

Lovely colour ☺️

Morning Richard. That's a pretty one 👋☺👍

Morning Richard! Beautiful👌. It’s on my wishlist 😉

Hello Richard, I don't know this plant. Everyday we discover new plants. I like its pinkish colour. I will look it up on the ínternet to get more info about thalictrum.

This is my favourite variety of plants at the moment, I’ve found 10 different ones. They generally like sun/partial shade but most importantly don’t like to dry out. @jasabe
Late Spring 2018

Morning everyone! A very misty morning here, just got soaked planting out some lettuce. However the moisture in the air is doing some amazing things with this #thalictrum and spider webs 🕸

Morning Richard. Dull and breezy here but dry ....great photo 👋😊👌

Save me them diamonds Richard...💍👌🏼
Early Spring 2018

Morning everyone! So happy to see my #thalictrum has braved this long winter. These #meadowrue were a favourite last year and I will certainly be adding to them this year!

Morning Richard , I think these deserve to be on my wish list 💜💜

Morning good to see new growth on plants now 💚

Love that plant. Will look at for one richard
Mid Summer 2017

Morning everyone! #thalictrum starting to flower. A very ethereal plant, goes nicely with scabious and I imagine verbena bonariensis! The secateurs have been deployed for the non-deadheaded scabious in the background (the 1st thing I saw in this photo)

That is lovely looks like gypsophelia in larger form. Will definitely get some, is it widely availible? :)

Morning Richard that's very pretty. Did you grow this from seed? Going on my 'wish list' :)

Morning Richard, that's is beautiful and has just gone on my wishlist. 👋👋👋

Morning Richard that flows lovely 💜💜👌

I'm not sure how widely available it is @samwich I hadn't come across it before. I brought it from a plant fair but I think I've seen it in garden centres since. I saw it in herbaceous border, covered in bees and made it my mission to find it! 😀

Thank you :)

No @flof1952 I brought it a few weeks ago. I think it can be grown from seed though!


simply gorgeous 😍

Another one for the shopping list. Bee's have good taste don't they? 😊

Just watched a Gardeners World 🌎 episode and had to investigate :)
This is my #thalictrum Hewitt’s double double which I pulled in two whilst weeding in spring. Both halves have survived the heavy handed thuggery and have still flowered (although very small) 🙂 #mondaymotivation
Ah yes, but next year they’ll be bigger Richard 👍👍
Morning Jane, yes I hope so 🤞🏻 @pelly
@rbetts25 Richard what I have done, is to cut a old black plastic pot in half and then bury half of the pot in the ground around the plant. So you have an inch of the pot proud of the ground. ( I have labelled the rim too with it’s name) Then I know where it each year, as I have done the same, I fact this year I may do it with other plants. 👌 I can take a photo if this is not clear. 😉
Great idea Sue👍🏻 @suerichards
Morning Richard. Great that it developed and flowered despite your heavy handed action. Enjoy your day 👋😯
What a fantastic idea Sue! I’m definitely going to start doing that 👍🏻 @suerichards
Thanks Pauline! Yes, I’m very relieved. I find the longer I weed for the more heavy handed I become, must remember short and often! @flof1952
Such beautiful little blooms 💜
Incredible! So pretty!! My Meadow Rue never did flower this year. I had it in a pot and finally put it in the ground to see if it does better. I’m determined to have this English beauty in Florida! 💚😊