Verbena bonariensis
Purple Top Vervain
Mid Summer 2019
- 20
Early Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 7

Verbena bonariensis
Mid Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

For me #summer is verbena coming into flower. It seems very early but these did overwinter so are maybe further on. Hopefully may attract some 🦋 which have been worryingly absent so far this year. Have a great weekend everyone!

Looks stunning

Mine have been going for weeks! They’re in the border at the front which is south facing though!

Mine are too but I think it’s just that it was their first year and I may have put them in a bit late, I checked my photos and it was end of July last year. @rachelbrooks
Mid Summer 2018

Morning everyone! I love my #verbenabonariensis and am so pleased to have used it in my new front garden border. I love the height, the way it moves in the wind and the intense colour it brings, not to mention the close up views of bees, butterflies and other pollinators through my window! Have a great day everyone 💜💜💜

Morning Richard. I think I've overcrowded mine ...haven't performed very well this year! Fortunately it self seeds so I have lots of replacements. Enjoy your day 👋☺💜

I’m hoping mine self seeds! @flof1952

Morning Richard, they are stunning plants. I’m attempting to create a curtain effect with mine between my gravelled area and the lawn. 😍😍

Morning Richard. That verbena is really beautiful. I think it is a different variety than my ones. Yours looks rounded. This is the first year I grow them.

Morning Richard gorgeous 💜👌🏼

#butterflycount. Picture taken from my living room window! #painted-lady. Sadly numbers in my garden this year have been significantly lower than last year. My buddleja is normally covered but sightings have been few and far between 😢
Exceptional photo Richard but sorry to hear that
Fantastic photo Richard. I was thinking I had seen far more butterflies of various sorts this year 🤔
Morning, what a great photo ☺👌😍
Beautiful picture 😊
Morning Richard. I'm very happy to say the numbers of butterflies in my garden have increased 👋🙂🦋
Fabulous picture. I've seen lots of butterflies on countryside walks but fewer in the urban area where we live.
Wonderful ..morning 👍🏻
Stunning photo 🦋
Stunning photo. I have yet to see a butterfly this year here in Ireland. Not even the cabbage white! . Our summer has been so wet🙁
Fab pic! 👍
Thanks Jacqueline! I have had more speckled wood and common blue than usual but the absence of peacock, tortoiseshell and red admiral is worrying. Hopefully they’re just a bit late but all these lay eggs specifically on nettles and my concern is that the council have come and cut down/weed killed a whole generation 🤞 @awomanonabike