@redfla to propagate just take a cutting 6-12" dip in rooting hormone place in soil with hole made wide enough not to rub off hormone. Push soil around stem to firm around it so it stays upright. Water when top of soil is dry. Keep in partial sun / shade. It should take off and grow well. Good luck. Oh also not frost hardy.
Help me identify this plant please:)
@reddfla Autograph plant
The autograph plant is also known as clusia. Hugely popular here in SW Florida right now.
Thank you all so much! I love this tree and now need to figure out how to propagated!
@redfla to propagate just take a cutting 6-12" dip in rooting hormone place in soil with hole made wide enough not to rub off hormone. Push soil around stem to firm around it so it stays upright. Water when top of soil is dry. Keep in partial sun / shade. It should take off and grow well. Good luck. Oh also not frost hardy.