Aloinopsis schooneesii
Living Stone
Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Aloinopsis schooneesii
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Not the best photo, but after clearing away a nasty pest infestation and letting some too-wet roots dry I finally got my #aloinopsis-schooneesii repotted and hopefully in a happy spot. #aloinopsisschooneesii #livingstones #mesembs #succulents #mimicryplant
Early Summer 2018

#succulentquestion is this a root ball for #aloinopsis-schooneesii ?? This is my first one, and I noticed it as I was checking moisture levels in the new plants. It feels like a root, I just haven’t gotten to repotting and can’t see what the roots are like. You experienced succulent owners are always so helpful. #succulent #mimicryplant #succulenthelp #succulentadvice #roots #aretheseroots

Yes, the roots of this plant are meant to be tuberous.

@DonNotDonny thanks! Very cool to know !
Early Summer 2018

#aloinopsis-schooneesii #mimicryplant #succulent
So, I chose to put this outside despite humidity. So far.. so good? Remember, this was the one with larvae infestations. I think it looks okay considering! A little wrinkly, but #newgrowth continuously. And it’s turning pink! Doesn’t get a ton of HARSH direct light, so the color doesn’t have me worried! #aloinopsis-schooneesii #aloinopsisschooneesii #mesembs #mimicryplants #succulents #succulent #livingstone