Annona muricata
Late Winter 2019
- 4
Late Winter 2019
- 2
Early Winter 2019
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1

Annona muricata
Late Winter 2019
Late Winter 2019

2/27/19 here’s my #maybeavocado maybe with this awesome, happy, #newfoliage I can get an #id but whatever it is seems much happier ladybugs have removed aphids too I’ve noticed! #plantid #isthisavocado #youngfoliage #treeid #idhelp TIA

EDIT TO ADD: I really don’t think it’s an avocado anymore... just because I’ve seen so many young ones that don’t look like this? I’m probably going to do research and update the listing bear with me y’all 🙌🏼
Early Winter 2019

01/09/19 this maybe avocado I still don’t know wtf it is lost all its leaves when Florida actually got cold. Now it’s growing back! #newgrowth #tree

@cyndi thank you, but there are no tags. This is a tree that was established on the property when we moved in. The homeowners have a few different types of plants already established, this is one of the few to stump me ID wise. The leaves were large when the tree was full, and the tree also looks grafted which is common with avocado so 🤷🏼‍♀️ i just let time tell me

@cyndi thank you!
Early Autumn 2018

10/19/18 my maybe #avocadotree got a trim too #cleanup #avocado #plantid
Early Autumn 2018

10/10/18 #treeid #plantid #newgrowth #mysterytree #helpid

So #update as of 10/18 I keep trying to identify this tree. I researched foliage since that’s all I have to go off of and I’m taking a wild guess that this is indeed an #avocadotree if anyone knows better please let me know otherwise it’s up to nature to show me lol #avocado #treeid
Early Autumn 2018

10/01/18 still don’t know who this guy is #tree #treeid #plantid #helpid #helpidentify
Late Summer 2018

9/16/18 this has a terrible Brazilian pepper behind it, but I’m wondering if anyone can #id ? This isn’t an #avocado is it? The #thorns on the stem have me wondering. #plantid #identify #plantidentification #helpid #helpidplant
3/08/19 still probably not avocado but 🤷🏼‍♀️ just updating my #mysterytree as it fills out #treeid
Yep, I am guessing not avocado. The leaves look wrong. 🤔💞
Mystery tree coming on nicely.
OMG I think it’s a #soursop ! #annona #annonamuricata