Cyclamen 'Halios Pure White' (Halios Series)
Florist's Cyclamen 'Halios Pure White'
- Late Summer 2018
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- Late Summer 2018
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- Late Summer 2018
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- Mid Summer 2018
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- Mid Summer 2018
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- Mid Summer 2018
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- Early Summer 2018
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- Early Summer 2018
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- Early Summer 2018
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- Early Summer 2018
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- Late Spring 2018
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- Late Spring 2018
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- Late Spring 2018
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- Mid Spring 2018
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Cyclamen 'Halios Pure White' (Halios Series)
- Late Summer 2018
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- Late Summer 2018
- 1
8/21/18 #lasercyclamen #whitecyclamen #flower #whiteflower #upsidedownflower #frombelow #frombeneath #white two different views
- Late Summer 2018
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8/21/18 #lasercyclamen #flower that fell. And interesting look, this side is usually facing down. And it seems once fallen the center looks clear! Idk flower anatomy but all the parts to make seeds stay on the stem and just the petals fall. Looks cool 😍 #cyclamen #whiteflower #upsidedownflower #whitecyclamen
- Mid Summer 2018
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8/8/18 😍 we’ve never had so many #flowers and #flowerbuds #whitecyclamen #lasercyclamen #cyclamen
- Mid Summer 2018
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7/29/18 😍 #cyclamen #flowers #flowerbuds #white #whiteflower #lasercyclamen #upsidedownflower
- Mid Summer 2018
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7/24/18 six flowers at once! #flowers #flowerbud #lasercyclamen #cyclamen #whiteflower #upsidedownflower
- Early Summer 2018
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Glanced at the #lasercyclamen to see if I have more #flowerbuds ... I’ve only managed to get one flower at a time to bloom... however I count EIGHT flower buds in this bunch! (One is cut off up top) maybe I will finally get some pollination and seeds!!! Oh, and don’t you love the colors of the #foliage 😍 #whitecyclamen #cyclamen #flowers #upsidedownflower #white #green #purple
- Early Summer 2018
- 4
My husband’s #lasercyclamen looks great!!!! A flower and a bud together as well. I can never get them to flower at the same time, but I love when they keep coming #white #flower oh and I love it’s shape! #upsidedownflower #whiteflower #flowerbud #flowering #cyclamen #whitecyclamen #frombelow
- Early Summer 2018
- 2
Almost fully open! #cyclamen #blooming #flower #white #laserwhite #whitecyclamen #upsidedown #upsidedownflower #frombelow
- Early Summer 2018
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#flowerbud #flowering #laserwhite #cyclamen #lasercyclamen #white #whiteflower #upsidedown #upsidedownflower
- Late Spring 2018
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My husband’s #cyclamen has been growing so well, and a #flowerbud popped up today. The flowers are upside down. It’s so cool. #laserwhite #whitecyclamen #lasercyclamen
- Late Spring 2018
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#lasercyclamen #cyclamen #flowerbud #flowering #whitecyclamen
- Late Spring 2018
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Man after it stopped flowering my #cyclamen has starting growing like crazy! Was having to cut off dead leaves. Looks like it was all to make way for this #newgrowth ! You can just barely see the pink and purple tones down to the middle of the plant. #whitecyclamen #lasercyclamen
- Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Wish I’d taken pictures while it was flowering... why didn’t I?! My husband’s favorite plant 🌱 #laserwhite #cyclamen
Do you bring indoors in winter? I live in North east, so would bring in house in room with just day light.
@jmilner they only lived through one winter, this past summer it got way too hot for their liking. But I’m in Florida and I rarely bring anything inside during winter. The first winter that this cyclamen had survived i don’t think it flowered, but it otherwise did okay.
9/16/18 day after moving day is when the garden comes over. I can’t wait to have better garden space look at these poor things all this rain #cyclamen